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(Episodes Watched in 2014)
(dec 22) Lost Girl 5x03
(dec 19) The 100 2x08
(dec 15) Lost Girl 5x02
(dec 14) Constantine 1x08
(dec 13) Grimm 4x08
(dec 13) A to Z 1x09
(dec 13) Bad Judge 1x09
(dec 12) The Vampire Diaries 6x10
(dec 12) Reign 2x10
(dec 11) The 100 2x07
(dec 11) The Flash 1x09
(dec 11) Arrow 3x09
(dec 10) Sons Of Anarchy 7x13
(dec 10) Supernatural 10x09
(dec 09) Forever 1x11
(dec 08) Lost Girl 5x01
(dec 08) Once Upon a Time 4x11
(dec 07) Grimm 4x07
(dec 06) Constantine 1x07
(dec 06) Reign 2x09
(dec 05) The Vampire Diaries 6x09
(dec 05) The 100 2x06
(dec 04) Sons Of Anarchy 7x12
(dec 04) Arrow 3x08
(dec 03) The Flash 1x08
(dec 03) Supernatural 10x08
(dec 02) Sleepy Hollow 2x11
(dec 02) Forever 1x10
(dec 01) Once Upon a Time 4x10
(dec 01) The Walking Dead 5x08
(nov 30) Constantine 1x06
(nov 30) The Flash 1x07
(nov 29) Supernatural 10x07
(nov 29) Grimm 4x06
(nov 25) Sleepy Hollow 2x10
(nov 25) Gotham 1x10
(nov 24) Hell on Wheels 4x13
(nov 24) The Walking Dead 5x07
(nov 23) Constantine 1x05
(nov 23) Bad Judge 1x08
(nov 22) Grimm 4x05
(nov 22) Sons Of Anarchy 7x11
(nov 21) The Vampire Diaries 6x08
(nov 21) Reign 2x08
(nov 20) Arrow 3x07
(nov 20) The 100 2x05
(nov 20) Grey's Anatomy 11x08
(nov 19) Supernatural 10x06
(nov 19) The Flash 1x06
(nov 18) Forever 1x09
(nov 18) Sleepy Hollow 2x09
(nov 18) Gotham 1x09
(nov 17) Once Upon a Time 4x09
(nov 17) Once Upon a Time 4x08
(nov 17) The Walking Dead 5x06
(nov 17) Hell on Wheels 4x12
(nov 16) Bad Judge 1x07
(nov 16) Grimm 4x04
(nov 15) Constantine 1x04
(nov 15) Sons Of Anarchy 7x10
(nov 14) A to Z 1x07
(nov 14) The Vampire Diaries 6x07
(nov 14) Reign 2x07
(nov 13) The 100 2x04
(nov 13) Arrow 3x06
(nov 13) Grey's Anatomy 11x07
(nov 12) The Flash 1x05
(nov 12) Supernatural 10x05
(nov 11) Forever 1x08
(nov 11) Sleepy Hollow 2x08
(nov 11) Gotham 1x08
(nov 10) Hell on Wheels 4x11
(nov 10) Once Upon a Time 4x07
(nov 10) The Walking Dead 5x05
(nov 08) Constantine 1x03
(nov 08) A to Z 1x06
(nov 08) Grimm 4x03
(nov 07) Bad Judge 1x06
(nov 07) The Vampire Diaries 6x06
(nov 07) Sons Of Anarchy 7x09
(nov 06) Reign 2x06
(nov 06) Grey's Anatomy 11x06
(nov 06) The 100 2x03
(nov 06) Arrow 3x05
(nov 05) Sleepy Hollow 2x07
(nov 04) Gotham 1x07
(nov 03) Once Upon a Time 4x06
(nov 03) The Walking Dead 5x04
(nov 01) Constantine 1x02
(nov 01) Sons Of Anarchy 7x08
(nov 01) Grimm 4x02
(nov 01) A to Z 1x05
(oct 31) The Vampire Diaries 6x05
(oct 31) Bad Judge 1x05
(oct 31) The 100 2x02
(oct 30) Reign 2x05
(oct 30) Arrow 3x04
(oct 30) Supernatural 10x04
(oct 29) The Flash 1x04
(oct 29) Forever 1x07
(oct 29) Sleepy Hollow 2x06
(oct 28) Gotham 1x06
(oct 27) Once Upon a Time 4x05
(oct 27) The Walking Dead 5x03
(oct 26) Grimm 4x01
(oct 25) Sons Of Anarchy 7x07
(oct 25) Constantine 1x01
(oct 24) A to Z 1x04
(oct 24) Bad Judge 1x04
(oct 24) The Vampire Diaries 6x04
(oct 24) Grey's Anatomy 11x05
(oct 23) Reign 2x04
(oct 23) The 100 2x01
(oct 23) Arrow 3x03
(oct 22) The Flash 1x03
(oct 22) Supernatural 10x03
(oct 22) Sleepy Hollow 2x05
(oct 22) Forever 1x06
(oct 21) Gotham 1x05
(oct 20) Manhattan 1x13
(oct 20) Once Upon a Time 4x04
(oct 20) The Walking Dead 5x02
(oct 19) A to Z 1x03
(oct 19) Sons Of Anarchy 7x06
(oct 17) Bad Judge 1x03
(oct 17) The Vampire Diaries 6x03
(oct 17) Grey's Anatomy 11x04
(oct 16) Reign 2x03
(oct 16) Supernatural 10x02
(oct 16) Arrow 3x02
(oct 15) Forever 1x05
(oct 15) The Flash 1x02
(oct 15) Sleepy Hollow 2x04
(oct 14) Manhattan 1x12
(oct 14) Gotham 1x04
(oct 13) The Walking Dead 5x01
(oct 13) Once Upon a Time 4x03
(oct 12) A to Z 1x02
(oct 12) Reign 2x02
(oct 12) Sons Of Anarchy 7x05
(oct 10) Bad Judge 1x02
(oct 10) The Vampire Diaries 6x02
(oct 10) Grey's Anatomy 11x03
(oct 09) The Flash 1x01
(oct 09) Arrow 3x01
(oct 09) Supernatural 10x01
(oct 08) Forever 1x04
(oct 08) Manhattan 1x11
(oct 08) Sleepy Hollow 2x03
(oct 07) Hell on Wheels 4x10
(oct 07) Gotham 1x03
(oct 06) Witches of East End 2x13
(oct 06) Witches of East End 2x12
(oct 06) Once Upon a Time 4x02
(oct 06) The Strain 1x13
(oct 05) Reign 2x01
(oct 05) The Vampire Diaries 6x01
(oct 03) Bad Judge 1x01
(oct 03) A to Z 1x01
(oct 03) Grey's Anatomy 11x02
(oct 02) Sleepy Hollow 2x02
(oct 02) Forever 1x03
(oct 02) Sons Of Anarchy 7x04
(sep 30) Hell on Wheels 4x09
(sep 30) Manhattan 1x10
(sep 30) Gotham 1x02
(sep 29) Once Upon a Time 4x01
(sep 29) The Strain 1x12
(sep 29) Witches of East End 2x11
(sep 28) Outlander 1x08
(sep 28) Sons Of Anarchy 7x03
(sep 26) Sleepy Hollow 2x01
(sep 26) Grey's Anatomy 11x01
(sep 25) Under the Dome 2x13
(sep 25) Forever 1x02
(sep 23) Forever 1x01
(sep 23) Gotham 1x01
(sep 23) Manhattan 1x09
(sep 22) Hell on Wheels 4x08
(sep 22) The Strain 1x11
(sep 22) Witches of East End 2x10
(sep 21) Outlander 1x07
(sep 20) Sons Of Anarchy 7x02
(sep 20) Extant 1x13
(sep 18) Under the Dome 2x12
(sep 18) Manhattan 1x08
(sep 16) Hell on Wheels 4x07
(sep 15) The Strain 1x10
(sep 15) Witches of East End 2x09
(sep 14) Outlander 1x06
(sep 14) Manhattan 1x07
(sep 13) Extant 1x12
(sep 12) Sons Of Anarchy 7x01
(sep 11) Under the Dome 2x11
(sep 09) Witches of East End 2x08
(sep 09) Hell on Wheels 4x06
(sep 08) The Strain 1x09
(sep 08) The Leftovers 1x10
(sep 07) Outlander 1x05
(sep 07) Manhattan 1x06
(sep 05) Extant 1x11
(sep 04) Under the Dome 2x10
(sep 03) Falling Skies 4x12
(sep 02) Falling Skies 4x11
(sep 01) The Strain 1x08
(sep 01) Hell on Wheels 4x05
(aug 31) Outlander 1x04
(aug 31) Defiance 2x13
(aug 31) Defiance 2x12
(aug 29) Extant 1x10
(aug 29) Extant 1x09
(aug 28) Manhattan 1x05
(aug 27) Under the Dome 2x09
(aug 27) The Leftovers 1x09
(aug 26) Falling Skies 4x10
(aug 25) The Last Ship 1x10
(aug 25) The Strain 1x07
(aug 25) Witches of East End 2x07
(aug 25) Hell on Wheels 4x04
(aug 24) Defiance 2x11
(aug 24) Outlander 1x03
(aug 24) Defiance 2x10
(aug 23) Extant 1x08
(aug 23) Extant 1x07
(aug 20) Under the Dome 2x08
(aug 20) The Last Ship 1x09
(aug 19) Falling Skies 4x09
(aug 19) Manhattan 1x04
(aug 19) Hell on Wheels 4x03
(aug 18) The Strain 1x06
(aug 18) The Leftovers 1x08
(aug 18) Witches of East End 2x06
(aug 17) Outlander 1x02
(aug 17) Defiance 2x09
(aug 16) Extant 1x06
(aug 13) Under the Dome 2x07
(aug 13) Manhattan 1x03
(aug 12) Witches of East End 2x05
(aug 12) The Last Ship 1x08
(aug 12) The Leftovers 1x07
(aug 11) Falling Skies 4x08
(aug 11) The Strain 1x05
(aug 11) Hell on Wheels 4x02
(aug 10) Dominion 1x08
(aug 09) Defiance 2x08
(aug 08) Extant 1x05
(aug 06) Under the Dome 2x06
(aug 06) Falling Skies 4x07
(aug 04) The Last Ship 1x07
(aug 04) Manhattan 1x02
(aug 04) Hell on Wheels 4x01
(aug 04) The Strain 1x04
(aug 04) The Leftovers 1x06
(aug 03) Outlander 1x01
(aug 03) Dominion 1x07
(aug 02) Defiance 2x07
(aug 01) Manhattan 1x01
(aug 01) Extant 1x04
(jul 31) Under the Dome 2x05
(jul 31) The Last Ship 1x06
(jul 30) Falling Skies 4x06
(jul 30) Witches of East End 2x04
(jul 28) The Leftovers 1x05
(jul 28) The Strain 1x03
(jul 28) Under the Dome 2x04
(jul 28) The Leftovers 1x04
(jul 28) Dominion 1x06
(jul 28) Dominion 1x05
(jul 28) Defiance 2x06
(jul 27) Falling Skies 4x05
(jul 27) The Strain 1x02
(jul 26) The Last Ship 1x05
(jul 26) Defiance 2x05
(jul 26) Extant 1x03
(jul 26) Witches of East End 2x03
(jul 17) Extant 1x02
(jul 16) The Last Ship 1x04
(jul 15) The Strain 1x01
(jul 15) Under the Dome 2x03
(jul 14) Falling Skies 4x04
(jul 14) The Leftovers 1x03
(jul 14) Witches of East End 2x02
(jul 13) Extant 1x01
(jul 12) Defiance 2x04
(jul 11) Dominion 1x04
(jul 10) The Last Ship 1x03
(jul 09) Under the Dome 2x02
(jul 08) Falling Skies 4x03
(jul 07) Witches of East End 2x01
(jul 07) The Leftovers 1x02
(jul 06) Dominion 1x03
(jul 05) Defiance 2x03
(jul 04) The Last Ship 1x02
(jul 02) Under the Dome 2x01
(jul 01) The Leftovers 1x01
(jun 30) Falling Skies 4x02
(jun 30) Penny Dreadful 1x08
(jun 29) Crossbones 1x04
(jun 29) Defiance 2x02
(jun 27) Dominion 1x02
(jun 24) The Last Ship 1x01
(jun 23) Penny Dreadful 1x07
(jun 22) Crossbones 1x03
(jun 21) In the Flesh 1x02
(jun 21) Defiance 2x01
(jun 20) Dominion 1x01
(jun 19) Falling Skies 4x01
(jun 18) In the Flesh 1x01
(jun 18) Penny Dreadful 1x06
(jun 16) Game of Thrones 4x10
(jun 15) The 100 1x13
(jun 10) Penny Dreadful 1x05
(jun 09) Game of Thrones 4x09
(jun 07) Crossbones 1x02
(jun 06) The 100 1x12
(jun 03) Penny Dreadful 1x04
(jun 02) Game of Thrones 4x08
(may 31) Crossbones 1x01
(may 30) The 100 1x11
(may 29) Believe 1x10
(may 26) Penny Dreadful 1x03
(may 25) Penny Dreadful 1x02
(may 22) Revolution 2x22
(may 22) The 100 1x10
(may 21) Supernatural 9x23
(may 20) Grimm 3x22
(may 19) Game of Thrones 4x07
(may 18) Reign 1x22
(may 17) Revolution 2x21
(may 17) The Vampire Diaries 5x22
(may 16) Grey's Anatomy 10x24
(may 15) The 100 1x09
(may 15) Supernatural 9x22
(may 15) Arrow 2x23
(may 13) Star Crossed 1x13
(may 12) Game of Thrones 4x06
(may 12) Once Upon a Time 3x22
(may 12) Once Upon a Time 3x21
(may 11) Reign 1x21
(may 11) Grimm 3x21
(may 11) The Vampire Diaries 5x21
(may 09) Grey's Anatomy 10x23
(may 08) Revolution 2x20
(may 08) The 100 1x08
(may 08) Arrow 2x22
(may 07) Supernatural 9x21
(may 07) Star Crossed 1x12
(may 06) Believe 1x09
(may 06) The Tomorrow People 1x22
(may 05) Resurrection 1x08
(may 05) Game of Thrones 4x05
(may 05) Once Upon a Time 3x20
(may 04) Revolution 2x19
(may 04) Grimm 3x20
(may 04) Reign 1x20
(may 02) The Vampire Diaries 5x20
(may 02) Vikings 2x10
(may 02) Grey's Anatomy 10x22
(may 01) Penny Dreadful 1x01
(may 01) Arrow 2x21
(may 01) The 100 1x07
(apr 30) Supernatural 9x20
(apr 30) Believe 1x08
(apr 29) The Following 2x15
(apr 29) Star Crossed 1x11
(apr 29) The Tomorrow People 1x21
(apr 28) Once Upon a Time 3x19
(apr 28) Game of Thrones 4x04
(apr 28) Resurrection 1x07
(apr 27) Grimm 3x19
(apr 27) Salem 1x01
(apr 27) Reign 1x19
(apr 25) The Vampire Diaries 5x19
(apr 25) Vikings 2x09
(apr 25) Grey's Anatomy 10x21
(apr 24) Arrow 2x20
(apr 24) The 100 1x06
(apr 23) Supernatural 9x19
(apr 23) Star Crossed 1x10
(apr 22) The Following 2x14
(apr 22) The Tomorrow People 1x20
(apr 22) Believe 1x07
(apr 21) Game of Thrones 4x03
(apr 21) Once Upon a Time 3x18
(apr 20) Reign 1x18
(apr 20) The Vampire Diaries 5x18
(apr 18) Vikings 2x08
(apr 18) Grey's Anatomy 10x20
(apr 17) Arrow 2x19
(apr 17) The 100 1x05
(apr 16) The Following 2x13
(apr 16) Supernatural 9x18
(apr 15) Resurrection 1x06
(apr 15) The Tomorrow People 1x19
(apr 15) Star Crossed 1x09
(apr 14) Believe 1x06
(apr 14) Once Upon a Time 3x17
(apr 14) Game of Thrones 4x02
(apr 13) Reign 1x17
(apr 13) Grimm 3x18
(apr 11) Vikings 2x07
(apr 11) Grey's Anatomy 10x19
(apr 10) The Following 2x12
(apr 10) The 100 1x04
(apr 08) Once Upon a Time 3x16
(apr 08) Star Crossed 1x08
(apr 07) Believe 1x05
(apr 07) Resurrection 1x05
(apr 07) Game of Thrones 4x01
(apr 06) Bitten 1x13
(apr 06) Grimm 3x17
(apr 05) Once Upon a Time in Wonderland 1x13
(apr 04) Vikings 2x06
(apr 04) Grey's Anatomy 10x18
(apr 03) Revolution 2x18
(apr 03) Arrow 2x18
(apr 03) The 100 1x03
(apr 02) The Musketeers 1x10
(apr 01) The Following 2x11
(apr 01) The Tomorrow People 1x18
(apr 01) Star Crossed 1x07
(mar 31) Once Upon a Time 3x15
(mar 31) Believe 1x04
(mar 31) Resurrection 1x04
(mar 31) The Walking Dead 4x16
(mar 30) Bitten 1x12
(mar 30) The Vampire Diaries 5x17
(mar 29) Once Upon a Time in Wonderland 1x12
(mar 28) Vikings 2x05
(mar 28) Grey's Anatomy 10x17
(mar 27) Reign 1x16
(mar 27) The Following 2x10
(mar 27) The 100 1x02
(mar 27) Arrow 2x17
(mar 26) Supernatural 9x17
(mar 26) The Musketeers 1x09
(mar 25) Teen Wolf 3x24
(mar 25) Believe 1x03
(mar 25) The Tomorrow People 1x17
(mar 25) Star Crossed 1x06
(mar 24) Once Upon a Time 3x14
(mar 24) Resurrection 1x03
(mar 24) The Walking Dead 4x15
(mar 23) Bitten 1x11
(mar 23) Grimm 3x16
(mar 22) Revolution 2x17
(mar 22) The Vampire Diaries 5x16
(mar 22) Reign 1x15
(mar 21) Vikings 2x04
(mar 21) Once Upon a Time in Wonderland 1x11
(mar 21) Grey's Anatomy 10x16
(mar 20) The 100 1x01
(mar 20) Arrow 2x16
(mar 20) Supernatural 9x16
(mar 19) The Tomorrow People 1x16
(mar 19) The Musketeers 1x08
(mar 18) The Following 2x09
(mar 18) Believe 1x02
(mar 18) Teen Wolf 3x23
(mar 18) Star Crossed 1x05
(mar 17) Resurrection 1x02
(mar 17) Once Upon a Time 3x13
(mar 17) The Walking Dead 4x14
(mar 16) Black Sails 1x08
(mar 16) Bitten 1x10
(mar 16) Grimm 3x15
(mar 15) Believe 1x01
(mar 15) Revolution 2x16
(mar 15) Once Upon a Time in Wonderland 1x10
(mar 14) Vikings 2x03
(mar 14) Reign 1x14
(mar 14) Grey's Anatomy 10x15
(mar 12) The Musketeers 1x07
(mar 12) The Following 2x08
(mar 11) Teen Wolf 3x22
(mar 11) Resurrection 1x01
(mar 11) Once Upon a Time 3x12
(mar 11) Star Crossed 1x04
(mar 10) The Walking Dead 4x13
(mar 10) Black Sails 1x07
(mar 09) Bitten 1x09
(mar 09) Grimm 3x14
(mar 08) The Vampire Diaries 5x15
(mar 08) Once Upon a Time in Wonderland 1x09
(mar 07) Vikings 2x02
(mar 07) Grey's Anatomy 10x14
(mar 06) Revolution 2x15
(mar 06) Reign 1x13
(mar 06) Arrow 2x15
(mar 06) The Tomorrow People 1x15
(mar 05) The Musketeers 1x06
(mar 05) Supernatural 9x15
(mar 04) Teen Wolf 3x21
(mar 04) The Following 2x07
(mar 04) Star Crossed 1x03
(mar 03) The Walking Dead 4x12
(mar 03) Black Sails 1x06
(mar 03) Bitten 1x08
(mar 02) Grimm 3x13
(mar 01) Reign 1x12
(mar 01) Revolution 2x14
(mar 01) The Following 2x06
(mar 01) The Vampire Diaries 5x14
(mar 01) The Musketeers 1x05
(mar 01) Arrow 2x14
(feb 28) Teen Wolf 3x20
(feb 28) Supernatural 9x14
(feb 28) Vikings 2x01
(feb 28) Grey's Anatomy 10x13
(feb 27) The Tomorrow People 1x14
(feb 27) Star Crossed 1x02
(feb 25) Black Sails 1x05
(feb 24) Bitten 1x07
(feb 24) The Walking Dead 4x11
(feb 23) Teen Wolf 3x19
(feb 23) Star Crossed 1x01
(feb 23) The Following 2x05
(feb 18) Bitten 1x06
(feb 18) Lost Girl 4x13
(feb 17) The Walking Dead 4x10
(feb 17) Black Sails 1x04
(feb 12) Teen Wolf 3x18
(feb 12) The Following 2x04
(feb 11) The Musketeers 1x04
(feb 10) The Walking Dead 4x09
(feb 10) Lost Girl 4x12
(feb 09) Bitten 1x05
(feb 09) Black Sails 1x03
(feb 08) The Vampire Diaries 5x13
(feb 08) Reign 1x11
(feb 06) Arrow 2x13
(feb 06) The Tomorrow People 1x13
(feb 05) Supernatural 9x13
(feb 04) The Following 2x03
(feb 04) Teen Wolf 3x17
(feb 03) The Musketeers 1x03
(feb 02) Bitten 1x04
(feb 02) Black Sails 1x02
(feb 01) The Vampire Diaries 5x12
(feb 01) Reign 1x10
(jan 31) Revolution 2x13
(jan 30) The Tomorrow People 1x12
(jan 30) Arrow 2x12
(jan 29) Supernatural 9x12
(jan 29) The Musketeers 1x02
(jan 28) The Following 2x02
(jan 28) Teen Wolf 3x16
(jan 27) Lost Girl 4x11
(jan 26) Grimm 3x12
(jan 26) Bitten 1x03
(jan 26) The Vampire Diaries 5x11
(jan 25) Dracula 1x10
(jan 25) Reign 1x09
(jan 24) Revolution 2x12
(jan 24) The Musketeers 1x01
(jan 23) The Tomorrow People 1x11
(jan 23) Arrow 2x11
(jan 23) Supernatural 9x11
(jan 22) Sleepy Hollow 1x13
(jan 22) Sleepy Hollow 1x12
(jan 21) The Following 2x01
(jan 21) Teen Wolf 3x15
(jan 20) Black Sails 1x01
(jan 20) Lost Girl 4x10
(jan 19) Bitten 1x02
(jan 19) Grimm 3x11
(jan 19) The Vampire Diaries 5x10
(jan 18) Dracula 1x09
(jan 18) Bitten 1x01
(jan 17) Revolution 2x11
(jan 16) The Tomorrow People 1x10
(jan 16) Arrow 2x10
(jan 15) Supernatural 9x10
(jan 15) Sleepy Hollow 1x11
(jan 14) Teen Wolf 3x14
(jan 13) Lost Girl 4x09
(jan 13) Helix 1x02
(jan 13) Helix 1x01
(jan 13) Grimm 3x10
(jan 11) Dracula 1x08
(jan 11) Dracula 1x07
(jan 11) Revolution 2x10
(jan 07) Teen Wolf 3x13
(jan 06) Grimm 3x09
(jan 06) Grimm 3x08
(jan 01) Lost Girl 4x08
(jan 01) Once Upon a Time 3x11
dec 30 2013 ∞
jan 1 2015 +