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26 years old, with a passion for reading books. i want to work for an anti-human trafficking organization; i start graduate school on August 30th; i like in southern NY; i'm an introvert, who has a hard time talking to people, but i love watching people; i live with my boyfriend of 4 years; my best friend is a marine who just finished his first tour in Afghanistan; i work for a student exchange or...

listography GIVE MEMORIES
  • Books
  • Introvert
  • Thinker & observer
  • More interesting than I appear
  • Penguins
  • Clouds
  • Dark side of humanity
  • Bright side of humanity
  • Finding the bright side of humanity in the darkness
  • Hard worker
  • I am confident in myself, while at the same time socially anxious
  • I have been with my boyfriend for 4 years and I believe we will spend the rest of our lives together
  • I'm short
  • I look young, enjoy cartoons and cute stuffed animals, but am actually quite serious
aug 13 2010 ∞
aug 13 2010 +