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  • Columbia
    • Online Application
    • Personal Essay (3)
      • What distinct impact do you hope to have on the world in the future? Please be as clear as possible about your future goals, the policy/public service issue(s) you are passionate about, and your personal motivation(s). Be sure to include details regarding the features of SIPA that you believe are integral to helping you in your pursuits and what skills you need to develop to achieve a lasting impact. (500 word maximum)
      • Choose 1 (300 word maximum)
        • Describe a policy issue that has impacted your life, either in a negative or positive way. If given the opportunity to amend the policy, what action would you take and why?
        • 2. Describe a conversation or experience that challenged your beliefs or caused you to reevaluate your perspective on life.
      • Please share any additional information about yourself that you believe would be of interest to the Admissions Committee. Please focus on information that is not already reflected in the other parts of your application or might not be clear in the information submitted. (200 word maximum)
    • Recommendations (3)
    • Resume
      • Standard Resume
      • Academic Resume
    • Transcripts
    • GRE score
    • International Fellowship Essay
      • Essay that explains your interest (300 words or less):
        • Columbia University is a global institution where students, faculty, alumni and supporters engage on a complex and fast-changing stage - a stage where business, politics, diplomacy and culture intersect. Columbia's School of International and Public Affairs (SIPA) brings these disciplines together through its International Fellows Program, a unique course of graduate study that provides a heightened understanding of the evolution of international affairs and empowers those involved to serve the global public interest. The International Fellows Program is a two-semester fellowship open to students of all graduate degree programs at Columbia University. Fellows offer one another, and benefit from a diverse array of professional and intellectual experiences attained around the world. Their common bonds include a strong interest in American foreign policy, a commitment to applying the lessons of the program to their careers, and their promise as emerging leaders of their chosen fields and in the field of international affairs. All Fellows receive a variable stipend and study a curriculum focused on American foreign policy, the emergence of the United States as a dominant power, and the subsequent evolution of a world that is increasingly global and less American. Highlights of the International Fellows Program include study trips to Washington, D.C. and the United Nations, where Fellows meet with senior diplomats, policy-makers, legislators, journalists, and leaders of non-governmental organizations.
  • Northeastern
    • Online Application
    • Personal Essay
      • 500 - 1,000 words identifying your educational goals and expectations from the program
    • Recommendations (2)
    • Resume
    • Transcripts
    • GRE score
  • BU
    • Online Application
    • Personal Essay
      • Not fewer than 200 words, describing your qualifications and the objectives of your educational program. Report any research activities, publications, independent studies, and memberships in academic, professional or honorary societies.
    • Recommendations (3!) - BU only recommendations form.
    • Resume
    • Transcripts
    • GRE score
  • Brandeis
    • Online Application
    • Personal Essay
    • Recommendations (2)
    • Resume
    • Transcripts
    • GRE score
  • Brown
    • Online Application
    • Personal Essay
      • Please give your reasons for deciding to do graduate work in the field you have chosen. Include a statement concerning your past work (study and research) in your chosen field, your plans for study at Brown, including issues and problems you want to address, and your professional goals. Your personal statement should be less than 5 pages.
    • Recommendations (3)
    • Resume
    • Transcripts
    • GRE score
  • Tufts
    • Online Application
    • Personal Essay
      • Fletcher’s Committee on Admissions seeks to ensure that there is a good match between each admitted student and the School. Please tell us your goals for graduate study at Fletcher and for your career. Why is The Fletcher School the right place to pursue your academic objectives and to prepare you to meet your professional goals? Why have you selected the degree program to which you’re applying? If you are planning to pursue a joint degree, please be sure to address this interest in your personal statement. (600 - 800 words)
      • Choose one of the following essay topics to tell the Admissions Committee something about you that does not fit elsewhere in the application (500 words max)
        • Share something about yourself to help the Admissions Committee develop a more complete picture of who you are.
        • Tell us more about how you first became interested in international affairs, or in pursuing an international career.
        • Describe the elements of your personal, professional, and/or academic background that have prepared you for your chosen career path.
    • Recommendations (2)
    • Resume
    • Transcripts
    • GRE score
  • NYU
    • Online Application
    • Personal Essay
      • Please cite one example where you have made a positive impact in a professional environment. (250 words max)
      • Please list the types of resources that you consulted with during your graduate application process and briefly describe how each resource was helpful. (75 words per explanation, at least one response is required.
      • Please upload an essay describing your career goals, your interest in NYU Wagner, how your education and work experience qualify you for admission, and how Wagner can play a role in helping you make positive impact in the field of public service. The essay should be two to three pages, double-spaced, 1-inch margins, and 12pt font. In essence, please tell us why Wagner, why now, and why you?
      • Optional Essay: Visual Explorer - That image should resonate with your passion or dream to pursue a career in public service. Choose the photo and upload a one page statement describing the Visual Explorer image and how it represents your connection to public service. Please indicate the corresponding photo number that you will be describing on your essay.
    • Recommendations (2)
    • Resume
      • Profession History
        • Please submit a 125 word professional bio, written in third person, that highlights your professional history and goals
    • Transcripts
    • GRE score
  • Georgetown
    • Online Application
    • Personal Essay
      • 500 - 700 words Statement of Purpose outlining academic and professional experience, proposed course of study and short-term/long-term career goals. Explain your motivations for graduate study in the MSFS Program.
    • Recommendations (3)
    • Resume
    • Transcripts
    • GRE score
    • Supplemental Data
  • George Washington University
    • Online Application
    • Personal Essay
      • In an essay of approximately 500 words, state your purpose in undertaking graduate study at the Elliott School of International Affairs. As part of your statement of purpose, describe your academic and research interests, career objectives, and how a degree from the Elliott School will enable you to achieve your goals. Please be specific.
    • Recommendations (3)
    • Resume
    • Transcripts
    • GRE score
nov 1 2010 ∞
oct 18 2015 +