Okay, this is the last for today. I still have to wake up early tomorrow for NSTP. Yay. Not.

  • Swimming, which I quit on my fifth session or so because I was afraid of the open water. Please understand, I was aged 3 or 4 then.
  • Table tennis, back in grade five for PE.
  • Volleyball, which we loved so dearly in grade school. We played in skirts and chased after annoying boys who took our ball to peeve us off.
  • Taekwondo, which I also quit because I was scared to experience our first test.
  • Cheerleading, hardly a sport, and doesn't fit me at all but yes, I was one of the representatives of Green Cavaliers during sixth grade. It was humiliating, and traumatizing.
  • Badminton, the only sport I have persisted to play.
  • Futsal, oh how I miss Futsal days in Club 650. Although I sucked, and I hardly scored a goal against rowdy little boys, it was a lovely sport.
  • Muay Thai, only because I have Taekwondo in my list. It's my PE right now (sophomore year: 1st semester) and it's torture.
aug 10 2007 ∞
aug 29 2015 +