• running into friends while walking on campus (i still run into my students but it's not the same.)
  • when my friends and i called each other on our parents' landline and we racked up their bills and they got mad at us. (i don't really miss the parents mad at us part though. just the phone convos)
  • 90's pop music - especially the brightly colored clothing and music videos. everything was just happy!
  • life without Facebook - times were simpler then.
  • sleepovers - i still have occasional sleepovers with the eLLe girls but only about once a year (which will probably become even rarer now that lindsay's having another baby!)
  • when the Backstreet Boys were on top
  • feeling free to play outside and get dirty (now that i'm an adult i spend far less time outdoors; it's sad.)
  • having really close friends who live nearby - i haven't really had this since college, come to think of it.
  • life before all my friends got married. i know that marriage is wonderful but it definitely changes friendships.
  • nickelodeon, back when it was good with shows like doug, clarissa explains it all, & rugrats.
  • spending my afternoons after school watching reruns of saved by the bell and other teenage sitcoms with my brother
  • Napster. even though it was totally illegal. i was so much more connected to the music scene when i could download free music!
feb 2 2009 ∞
aug 23 2009 +