• Yelling "I love you Stephen!" very, very loudly at the start of Colbert's interview with the director of the Metropolitan Museum of art while seeing a taping of "The Colbert Report" with Kristen, only to be stared down with cold, dead eyes by the nearest security guard, and to have the entire audience turn around and look at me
  • Getting off the LIR after a one and a half hour train ride with Kristen in Hauppage/Smithtown, the entire train car applauding our departure as we prepared to leave
  • Yelling a very audible, "what the fuck was that?" after the scene in "Next" where all of Los Angeles is supposedly destroyed by a nuclear weapon, in complete silence, in the middle of a crowded movie theater with Ava and Christian
jan 5 2011 ∞
jun 23 2013 +