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    • 1) Having met this Suzy on the afternoon of December 5th, having been approached by this "squirrel whisperer" of sorts after I remarked to a "friend" how he might well contract rabies if he chose to continue beckoning the squirrels, I have to say: this is a misleading video and she is, in fact, a very nice and balanced (relatively, in terms of the general population of the Isle of Manhattan) lady.
    • 2) While this video suggests that the footage which follows the interview with Suzy portrays "pigeon man Paul," the gentleman displayed in this here video is, in fact, "pigeon man #2," i.e. William the douchey Long Island-dwelling, racoon-domesticating real estate agent who works across the street from Warren Weaver Hall on Mercer St. He is not Paul. Paul is a lovely man who sits on the West side of Washington Square each day, around 4:00 PM, while William mooches off of Paul's organic pigeon-loving and attempts to impress gullible tourists with digital photos of his domesticated rodents. Shame on him (in case you hadn't already inferred the following, I have a slight vendetta against William, seeing as we may or may not have a mild history).
dec 6 2011 ∞
feb 18 2012 +