• I honestly have no idea what's going on: I am simultaneously more organically excited and conflicted about the nature and direction of my existence than I've been in some time, and so I am struck by an acute sense of this whole period as representing some kind of positive development
    • I often sit and ponder (I admit, I'm probably in Hayden Dining Hall) how it is that I have a whole system of mental formations and conceptions , the complexity of which might very well rival the city of Manhattan in the real intricacy of its material structure
  • Whenever I perch myself on "the dock," i.e. the Cunthaus fire escape in my general solitude, around 3:30 in the morning, sifting through random strange incomprehensible junk on the interwebs, I can see my breath permeate the air as I exhale
nov 3 2011 ∞
dec 12 2011 +