• All material phenomena in the Universe is inherently neutral in its most essential, unobserved existence.
  • There is no deific, omniscient God (based on the most available, classical definition).
  • You/I are/am God, and as Creators, whatever Universe you create will be your truth. As a Creator, whatever perceptual structure you determine will inevitably produce the world you see. Whatever moral framework you formulate will be your reality.
  • Morality is classically assigned to behaviors, thoughts, words and actions--they are either deemed moral or immoral. Yet each of these human capacities (for speech, action, etc.) is made possible by a complicated series of processes which must work in communion with one another in order to produce the aforementioned physiological results--first, to produce these ends, nerve endings and synapses must fire, cells must live and die and communicate, muscles and bones must operate, etc.).
  • Now, could one really isolate the specific moral quality of each of these individual processes?
  • If not, how can one consider the overall end product of these necessary components to have any absolute moral weight, when its many parts are clearly devoid of it?
nov 8 2010 ∞
feb 10 2014 +