• Jimmy Carter: I would then spend a sizable portion of the evening trying to convince him to run for re-election, despite his twenty some plus years out of office and recent affinity for high waisted jeans.
  • Stephen Colbert: during breaks between sexcapades he could regale us with tales of his Sunday School lessons. That is, if I allowed him any breaks.
  • Jon Stewart: he could bring latkes!
  • Meryl Streep: anyone who's made out with Robert De Niro, Clint Eastwood, Robert Redford, David Strathairn, and Dustin Hoffman MUST be doing something right.
  • Martin Scorsese: so we might discuss his Catholic upbringing, Madonna-whore complex, and repressed romantic affections for Bobby De Niro.
  • J.D. Salinger: just as long as he doesn't bust out in a live reenactment of "A Perfect Day For Bananafish" and start preaching about the benefits of a macrobiotic diet, he's more than welcome at any function of mine.
  • Beth Ditto: yes, she would probably end up devouring the majority of the culinary spread, but who wouldn't want an obese, spandex-clad lesbian at their dinner party?
  • Robert De Niro: the question of the night is, "Bobby, what's with you only dating black chicks?"
dec 3 2008 ∞
jan 2 2009 +