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  • How is salt mined? Where is it mined from? Evolutionarily, how did humans figure out that they could/needed to consume salt?
  • What trees do pistachios, cashews, macadamia nuts, hazelnuts, almonds, walnuts, pine nuts, soy nuts and brazil nuts come from?
  • Are soy nuts in any way related to soy beans themselves? How do you turn a bean into a nut?
  • Where do sesame seeds come from?
  • What part of the tree do nuts come from? How are they harvested?
  • When Slim Pickens had his name legally changed to Slim Pickens, did he know he was naming himself after a common coloquialism?
  • How are Kashi frozen meals made? The ingredients are so complicated it almost seems like each would have to be made by hand... ?
may 4 2009 ∞
dec 5 2010 +