Loona logo: black background, red moon l2r that eclipses

  • framing: horizontal white bg
  • kim lip in OEC school uniform w white backpack, hair half up, walks towards old white brick building with pillars around it
  • she wears white converse high tops, walks through a puddle
  • she puts the backpack down and walks inside
  • inside it is a tall round building with a red circular platform in the center. a purple light (lens flare?) flashes on the wall as she looks around
  • watching lip step onto the platform from behind a hole in the bricks
  • the building has lots of circular rings as it goes up, and a cross hatch pattern on the ceiling that is open in the negative space
  • she looks around standing on the platform. it looks like there are doorways to outside. there is a blue and purple lens flare
  • she stands up and starts dancing on the platform. the camera spins around her
  • continue to be shots of someone watching her from behind a hole in the bricks. they move from left to right behind the wall.
  • there is a stick sticking out of one wall at a diagonal angle, maybe making an up arrow with its shadow
  • a shot of her standing on the platform from above but not straight down. like someone is standing on one of the upper levels of the building, not looking down from the roof. the ground is wet and the cross hatching from the ceiling is at the top of the shot. to me this shot looks like the floor is a globe
  • shot of owl's red eye blinking (left eye)
  • shot of lip with a glowing halo around her head between her nose and her eyes. her hair is down. the background is red. the shot glows red until you can no longer see her.
  • the next shot fades in. we see her in a new outfit (white shirt, black one piece with gems on it) on the platform with her backup dancers. the background in unclear until it focuses and is in black and white. when it changes to black and white, the backup dancers disappear. it changes back to color and the shot is clear now. the platform and floor are red but the back wall is turquoise
  • in the black and white shot the platform and floor are white and the back wall is black like a spotlight
  • in the colored clip, the red platform is slightly reflective
  • shot of lip dancing in the round building but now it is darker. the person behind the wall moves from left to right behind the wall.
  • another halo shot, but now the bg is black
  • a shot from straight up in the round building. it shows the light and puddles on the ground looking like earth with lip on the platform in the center. it zooms out to show the roof of the building. it looks like a wheel with spokes but also rings. the trees around the building turn from green to red.
  • inside the round building lip now wears an all red outfit while dancing with the background dancers around her. she wears a red rope tied in a pattern around her chest. her hair is half tied. the building is slightly darker
  • shot of lip in the round building on the platform alone. she wears the white shirt with red lines and red shorts. the building walls are colored with blue light and she is illuminated with bright red light
  • as lip reaches to the camera (in the choreography) the conditions of the building stay the same as the all red rope outfit, but now she wears a white shirt with two rows of red loops and her hair is in a ponytail. she wears black shorts and black circular earrings.
  • the person watching her sees her again, she is in the uniform. the person moves right and crosses a wall. when they come out on the other side she is in the all red rope outfit. they cross another wall and the shot goes black.
  • lip in earth looking shot in uniform again
  • shot in black and white of her in loop shirt. now has the male backup dancers and there is no platform. the male dancers are blindfolded
  • shots intermixed with clips of red background turquoise wall
  • continued dance shots of red background turquoise wall, the washed out red version, and the black and white version
  • close up on her eyes in the halo shot, both are brown and she doesn't have an odd eye but the halo reflects a horizontal line in each one
  • shot of the ceiling of the round building spins and zooms in on a red sun being eclipsed by the black moon on a black sky, but it isn't a full eclipse yet it's only approaching
  • shot of her dancing in the building facing left, a dancer passes in front of the screen and the screen goes black for a second, and on the other side she is facing right
  • shot of owl eye open, then shot of eclipse advancing further
  • shot of owl illuminated with red light facing the camera
  • shot of lip's eyes looking straight on with the halo in front, eyes opening
  • when she reaches for the camera there is a shot of the almost fully eclipsed sun, and then the moon turns into the red platform in the building
  • shot of lip in the loop shirt looking down, not dancing, eyes closed. red smoke fills the screen and fades to the red dance scene, which is now hazy with smoke instead of washed out by light
  • line shirt scene, the background is now much darker and she is a lot brighter
  • shot of the red floor illuminated with light as she dances
  • smoke covers the shot of loop shirt
  • owl eye opens
  • shot of halo
  • smoky red shot fades (the smoke looks like it fades to purple and then maybe blue?) to show lip who has not changed
  • next shot is loop shirt lip sitting on a red cushioned chair on the red platform in the building. red smoke flies behind her.
  • the shot fades to dark red and she opens her eyes to look into the camera
  • on the line "e. ceul. ipse" where she does the choreo that is used in girl front, the smoke covers her and the dancers. except it shows her silhouette and a brown haired dancer on the left and a blonde dancer on the right
  • shots of different outfits are mixed like normal but they fade in and out of red
  • close up shot of halo on her mouth where she is red and the shadows are green
  • someone watches from behind the wall but moves right out from behind the wall. she is back in the OEC uniform like the beginning of the MV where nothing is different, bird and nature sounds play
  • she turns around to face the camera suddenly
  • idalui sonyeo logo black text white bg, owl hoot
  • bbc logo over a shot of her walking out of the building with an extremely saturated red filter over the shot, silent

Desc: While HeeJin, HyunJin, HaSeul, YeoJin, and ViVi have released their solo singles each month to build up the true form as LOOΠΔ, 'Love & Live' and 'Love & Evil' were the first real steps towards the 'Loonaverse', the alternate universe LOOΠΔ lives in. It isn't just a series of releases every month to make a group in a year, but it is a story told by music introduced to the world, one after another, to expand the Loonaverse.

As previously announced, the girl of May has arrived. Kim Lip is a 19 year old girl who starts to draw a new circle, different from the one drawn by the previous members.

While we traveled around the world going to places such as France, Japan, Iceland, England, Taiwan, New Zealand, Hong Kong, and Busan to witness the LOOΠΔ episodes according to locations, the new circle will evolve around three different colors. Kim Lip, representing the color red, will gather two other girls to add to the palette of the circle.

As Kim Lip changes up the way the circle is drawn, the style of music they bring to the game moves forward as well. The title track, 'Eclipse' is an urban R&B track produced by Daniel Obi Klein, the producer of E-Sens' critically acclaimed album 'The Anecdote'. While LOOΠΔ 1/3 has asked questions about love, the sweetness, the pain, the joy, the worries, and hidden emotions, Kim Lip tells without any hesitation that "love just happens like it's destined to," in the lyrics.

"Even the moonlight feels like you," she says in the supporting track 'Twilight', singing through a sleepless night towards the moon. Cha Cha Malone, the producer of AOMG wrote the song for Kim Lip, adding a deeper tint to Kim Lip's color red.

Kim Lip is a fresh start for LOOΠΔ's expansion of their universe. A new unit will be formed along with the girl of June and the girl of July to present a whole new color, different from LOOΠΔ 1/3. The new unit and LOOΠΔ 1/3 will co-exist and unify in Loonaverse, and when other members scattered around the world unite to create a bigger circle as a whole, the construction of the moon LOOΠΔ has been dreaming about will be complete.

Can JinSoul, rescued from a basement in Hong Kong by the wishes of the fans, meet with the rest of the LOOΠΔ? Will YeoJin find her way towards the other members without wandering off somewhere else? Who will Kim Lip meet to complete her circle of colors?

With the introduction of Kim Lip, LOOΠΔ eclipses.

sep 9 2019 ∞
dec 7 2019 +