logo: white bg, every color moon p2b l2r

  • tall warehouse with vertical windows
  • warehouse that with windows and pipes, window pattern: tall tall, tall short, slightly cracked door, tall with top left circle short
  • girls wear white shirts, navy skirts, white converse
  • heejin wears loona badge
  • black setting with spotlight
  • gray setting with spotlight, less contrast
  • different warehouse w red wall and horizontal (orange, blue, white) pipes
  • blue chalk dust in window pattern room


이달의 소녀 (LOOΠΔ) "favOriTe"

LOOΠΔ was designed to be at its maximum potential when LOOΠΔ 1/3, LOOΠΔ / ODD EYE CIRCLE, LOOΠΔ / yyxy, and YeoJin combine.

At its maximum power for the first time, LOOΠΔ's lead single 'favOriTe' declares the signature sound of LOOΠΔ at its complete form.

sep 16 2019 ∞
oct 20 2019 +