Loona logo: white background, yellow moon l2r

  • POV shots of someone jogging past trees and houses looking up, sound of heavy steps and heavy breathing
  • POV panning through the grass
  • pan across track that says idalui sonyeo 1/3 in whte. the yellow starting lines are behind it.
  • 1/3 is at the track. heehyunha are out of breath. hyunjin sits on the ground next to a water bottle and a red and blue towel. haseul bends over with her hands on her knees next to her. vivi stands next to them facing forward, not breathing heavily, with a neutral expression. heejin stands next to her out of breath
  • a list is shown with all of their running times. heejins, hyunjins, and haseuls, all vary. vivi's time is always 12.94
  • vivi stands behind a chain link fence with her eyes closed. when she opens her left eye it shines galaxy
  • choreo scene on a basketball court in blue uniforms
  • heejin lipsync standing on the roof of a tall building with a railing. she wears a white top and a yellow skirt.
  • shots of an eye looking down, and a hand holding the baton on the ground in the start position. then a close up of the face shows the person is heejin
  • hyunjin lipsync sitting on top of a shed looking building surrounded by graffiti. she wears a yellow sweater.
  • heejin gets into the next position on the starting block on the track
  • haseul holds a stopwatch and blows the whistle
  • haseul lipsync next to a broken brick wall. she wears a yellow blouse
  • heejin starts running and hands the baton to hyunjin
  • another choreo scene on another basketball court wearing yellow outfits. they wear the shield shaped LOONA badges
  • hyunjin passes the baton to haseul
  • haseul passes the baton to vivi
  • haseul stops the timer and the final time is displayed as 44.75
  • vivi watches haseul and hyunjin laugh together from inside a classroom and looks sad :(
  • she sits down in a chair and connects her battery backpack to the back of her neck. a blue light turns on over the cord. the display on her backpack says "charging."
  • heejin looks in the door to the classroom and sees vivi sleeping on the desk
  • 1/3 walks over a bridge with heejin, hyunjin, and haseul talking happily and vivi walking behind them stoically with her backpack on
  • vivi throws a basketball perfectly into the hoop from far away and the other three look surprised
  • heehyunha drink from yellow juice boxes but vivi doesnt drink hers. she goes to a locker and places the juice box inside. the locker is already filled with juice boxes
  • vivi walks up to her backpack in the hallway. it is sitting on the ground plugged into the wall. she walks up and unplugs it and it counts down to 4:59
  • hyunjin pops a white balloon over her head
  • heejin runs on the track
  • the backpack countdown reads 3:59
  • vivi's galaxy eye is shown
  • hyunjin is passed the baton on the track
  • vivis memories flash: her on the track, her watching the others drink the juice boxes, her walking behind them on the bridge, her watching hyunjin and haseul laugh together
  • the countdown says 2:42
  • haseul gets the baton passed to her
  • vivi runs with the baton
  • shot of vivi unplugging her charger, then unplugging the backpack from the wall
  • the countdown reads 2:04
  • vivi runs off the track. she runs past a playground and over yellow lines on the ground
  • the countdown reads 1:52
  • vivi runs through a field of green grass
  • she runs in to a residential suburb area and the countdown reaches 0
  • her left eye glows, the display reads "low battery" and turns off, and she puts her hands on her knees out of breath
  • the display on the backpack reads "Love & Live"
  • the rectangular ODO/SN logo shows up over the shot of vivi breathing, with a blue /
  • when the screen goes white the / turns gray
  • under the credits, a scene plays where all 4 girls run in place (vivi w her backpack on) and pass the baton down the line (hee>hyun>ha>vi)

Desc: x

sep 8 2019 ∞
dec 11 2019 +