Loona logo: white background, yellow moon l2r

  • tv static/camcorder filter
  • flashes through Around You, Love&Live, Let Me In (specifically the plane and birdseul), Every Day I Love You, and ViVid
  • Loona 1/3 in a white room with a polar bear
  • clip of members singing while the other 3 stand in the back in the dark
  • "Loona MV Top Ten": 10. The Carol 9. Around You 8. Everyday I Love You 7. I'll Be There 6. Singing in the Rain 5. Let Me In 4. Love&Live 3. Kiss Later 2. Eclipse 1. ViVid
  • rolling tape

Desc: x

sep 9 2019 ∞
sep 16 2019 +