Logo: white bg, yellow moon l2r

  • yves in green
  • choerry in purple
  • vivi in red
  • yves in front of cabinet with lots of candles and household items (scale, mugs), reminds me of items in heejin's mv
  • choerry sitting in a chair, behind her are three tables: one short one with drawers and a mirror, lamp, and globe; medium height one with portrait of a woman w/ peach bg, telephone, globe, xmas tree, plate (maybe a clock?); tall one with two clocks
  • vivi in a corner w/ two suitcases, two old radios, a guitar, a box, some flowers, and a birdcage
  • entire mv is framed w/ red
  • english subtitles in yellow
  • at the bottom: The Carol 2.0 / ViVi Choerry Yves

desc: LOOΠΔ [The Carol 2.0]

In December 2016, 'The Carol' by HeeJin, HyunJin, and HaSeul was released. For upcoming holidays in 2017, 'The Carol 2.0' by ViVi, Choerry, and Yves is released.

Total of nine members of LOOΠΔ have been introduced so far, including two units of LOOΠΔ 1/3 and LOOΠΔ / ODD EYE CIRCLE. Yves was recently introduced to Loonaverse, with her single 'new'.

'The Carol 2.0' is performed by ViVi from LOOΠΔ 1/3, Choerry from LOOΠΔ / ODD EYE CIRCLE, and Yves who escaped from Eden, to create a transverse unit named 'ViRryVes' in order to welcome the holiday season along with the fans of LOOΠΔ.

sep 16 2019 ∞
oct 19 2019 +