• moonstone —

excellent for meditation, calmness and serenity; brings emotional balance; helps in finding true love; balances hormonal cycles (specially for woman); brings insight and perception; has been known for centuries as the stone for good fortune

        • pearl —

elegance; helps to get relief from tensions, worries and stress; beauty; reduces negative thoughts; increase in self confidence; strengthens the memory; brings in prosperity; stimulates creativity

        • cat's eye —

relieves mental anxiety; can help in return of lost wealth; eases the pain that invariably accompanies life’s tough lessons

        • emerald —

taking away emotional toxicity; therapeutic; brings in intellectual progress; spurt in creativity, artistic talents and linguistic skills

        • green quartz —

transmutes negative energies into positive ones; attracts prosperity and success; promotes cooperation and tactful honesty

        • amethyst —

works in the emotional, spiritual, and physical planes to promote calm, balance, and peace; beneficial when dealing with legal problems and money issues; excellent for meditation and lucid dreaming; promotes peacefulness, happiness, and contentment

        • aquamarine —

opens consciousness to the inner ocean of knowledge, wisdom, and creativity; relaxes your body and mind; helps those who want to know more about themselves, their destiny, and their potential

nov 3 2016 ∞
nov 4 2016 +