- Dinner at the Homesick Restaurant, Anne Tyler
- Watchmen, Alan Moore
- Middlesex, Jeffrey Eugenides
- The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, Vol. 2, Alan Moore
- Sybil, Flora Rheta Schreiber
- I Am Legend, Matheson
- The Sheik, E.M. Hull
- Wide Sargasso Sea, Jean Rhys
- Grendel, Gardener
- Peyton Place, Grace Metalious
- Lo's Diary, Pia Pera
- Women and Appletrees, Moa Martinson
- Before You Sleep, Ullmann
- Egalia's Daughters
- Love Story of the Century, Marta Tikkanen
- The Wind Done Gone, Mitchell
- Lolita, Nabokov
- Pet Sematary, Stephen King
- My Jim, Nancy Rawles
- The Queen of the Damned, Anne Rice
- Dune, Herbert
- Stranger in a Strange Land, Heinlein
- Sandman, Neil Gaiman
- A Wizard of Earthsea, Ursula K. Le Guinn
- Persepolis, Marjane Satrapi
- From Hell, Alan Moore
- V for Vendetta, Alan Moore
- Stella Descending, Ullmann
- Sin City, Miller
- The Last Lecture, Pausch
- Gunnar's Daughter, Undset
sep 10 2008 ∞
aug 21 2013 +