• a general warning for nsfw text and unsanitary topics
  • i will tag for things as best as i can, but i typically dont tweet or rt anything graphic or explicitly triggering content
  • it's okay to reply to my tweets if we aren't mutuals; i can be somewhat shy at first but i usually warm up to others quickly
  • in some cases i might plan on following you back but it may take me awhile to do so, thank u for ur patience
  • as i am an adult, i feel uncomfortable following minors first or following back if we do not have any mutual friends. i generally refuse to follow anyone under 16. if you do not have an age listed i will probably not follow you just to be safe
  • i reserve the right to unfollow, block, or softblock you for any reason, and you may also do the same
  • please softblock if we are mutuals and you want to unfollow!
  • if you want to use my art for anything then please credit me. asking beforehand is preferred but not required. but please dont repost, edit, or crop anything for any reason
jul 28 2016 ∞
may 6 2017 +