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Louise // 28 // English.
I love live music, concert adventures, exploring new places, taking photos, dresses with quirky prints, colourful eye make up, tattoos, fashion, beauty, creative writing, reading, dystopian novels, movies, crafting, journaling, novelty accessories, animals, nature, tapirs, bunnies, and much more!
I love to write lists!

listography NEW NEWS
  • Noisy eaters.
  • Bad basic spelling, grammar, and punctuation.
  • The phrases 'amazeballs', 'amaze', 'chillax', 'threenager', 'totes amaze', 'fakeaway', 'tired/bored/' and the like.
  • Over use of exclamation marks on social media.
  • Racism.
  • Homophobia.
  • People who talk on the phone while being served in shops- so rude!
  • People who allow their feral kids to treat shops like play areas.
  • Being interrupted and talked over when I speak.
  • Bullying of any kind.
  • Being patronized.
  • People who post every gross little detail about their ugly babies on Facebook, along with 500 photos of them daily.
  • People who make fun of fat people.
  • The way society is so anti-fat.
  • Throat-clearers.
  • People who don't cover their mouths when they cough.
  • People who talk with their mouths full.
  • Society's obsession with diet culture and the unrealistic pressure it puts on everybody to be as thin as possible. Which leaves everybody miserable and at war with their bodies.
  • Animal cruelty.
  • Narrow minded people.
jun 2 2014 ∞
jun 2 2014 +