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I am a fun loving optimistic person ready to travel and learn about the world! Pursuing a career in elementary education I never want to grow up. I love watching others grow and want to be the inspiration to them. I LOVE leadership and if teaching doesn't work out would like to pursue a career in leadership workshops for youth. My passion is positively impacting the world. Love and more love. -E

listography TERMS
  • 100 Unmaterialistic Joys for A Bold Life
    • by Tess on June 14, 2009
    • “Enjoy life, this is no dress rehearsal.” -Unknown
  • In no particular order:
    • Expressed love
    • Being creative
    • Feeling grateful
    • Feeling exhilerated
    • Sending and receiving thank you notes
    • The smell of the lake, ocean or a pond on a hot summer day
    • Catching fish
    • A new hiking trail
    • “Our song”
    • A support group
    • A morning run, walk or swim
    • Children
    • Being passionate
    • Expressed emotions
    • Intuitive action
    • Making a new friend
    • Reading your favorite blog
    • Being in the zone
    • An understanding look
    • An unexpected phone call
    • A good nights sleep
    • A new baby
    • Hugs & kisses
    • Volunteering
    • A great magazine in the waiting room
    • A friendly face
    • A walk in the rain
    • Watching boys play baseball
    • Watching girls play make believe
    • Compassion
    • Happy memories
    • An old book
    • A favorite realtiy show
    • Coming home
    • Tasting a new food
    • Pets
    • An old comfortable sweater
    • Feeling safe
    • A clean house
    • Bird watching
    • Gardening
    • Being in nature
    • Meditation
    • The library
    • Unexpected phone call, visits and texts
    • Grandchildren
    • A day at the beach
    • An inside picnic
    • A clean desk
    • Friendly neighbors
    • A good poem
    • A new song
    • Making others laugh or smile
    • Being yourself
    • A quiet mind
    • Visiting elderly parents
    • Freedom
    • Expressed thoughtfulness
    • Appreciation
    • A clean car
    • A day off
    • Donating to a good cause
    • Duct tape
    • A light bulb moment
    • A little help from my friends
    • A gift card
    • Learning something new
    • Self acceptance
    • A vision board
    • Taking small steps forward
    • Sea shells
    • The ocean
    • Dreams pursued
    • Biking in new places
    • Parties
    • Sunrise
    • Sunset
    • A crossed off to do list
    • A concert in the park
    • Fireworks
    • Going green
    • Patience
    • Cutting loose
    • A favorite chair
    • Worn out running shoes
    • Sticky notes
    • A pillow
    • A bed
    • Self love
    • Self acceptance
    • Practicing non-judgement
    • Alone time
    • Singing along to your favorite music
    • Watching a road race
    • The smell of squeaky clean kids
    • Watching sports on a big screen TV
    • 4th of July parades
    • Making love
    • Smells at the farmer’s market
  • A bird’s new nest in spring
mar 1 2011 ∞
mar 1 2011 +