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I am a fun loving optimistic person ready to travel and learn about the world! Pursuing a career in elementary education I never want to grow up. I love watching others grow and want to be the inspiration to them. I LOVE leadership and if teaching doesn't work out would like to pursue a career in leadership workshops for youth. My passion is positively impacting the world. Love and more love. -E

listography TERMS
  • i finally realized that i didn't have to ride someone else's roller coaster. Habit
  • yesterday i told myself i was okay. today i started to believe it. Habit
  • he never did nap. i never did do a dozen other things. but we laughed, and the wild blackberries are in bloom. Habit
  • as i listened to the giggles and felt the sun on my face, i suddenly forgot about the chores and the dinner needing to be cooked. life just melted away. Habit
  • i thought about how easily changes can be made, but how impossible they often seem. it made me want to try harder. Habit
  • we are born this way: compelled to work. i've never seen such perfect concentration or such deep satisfaction. sometimes i think my job is to stay out of the way. Habit
  • i added salty tears to the freshwater sea. many large rocks, too. while i didn't change the lake, the release changed the landscape within me. Habit
  • Learning to Do, Doing to Learn, Earning to Live, Living to Serve. CH
  • perhaps tonight will be the night i clean and put away every last dish. or perhaps tonight will be the night i don't fret that tonight wasn't that night.Habit
  • i felt like a marionette, with the strings of my own anxious energy pulling me every which way and keeping me hovering just above the ground.
  • when she grasped my hand, it felt like a blessing.Habit
  • i cried through the candle blessing. and then i cried through the kiddush. i'm pretty sure there was something divine in that moment - the light, his voice.
  • he days are stretching. anticipating. so are we. Habit
  • right now it is wild and unruly. but not out of control. like so much in my life right now. and i find it all strangely exhilarating. Habit
  • my most favorite kind of mornings are back. i can breath again. Habit
  • i told her i didn't feel like i was doing anything well. she immediately listed off several things. now to make myself believe her. Habit
  • outside after dinner. it rained for just a moment. they discovered the bleeding hearts in bloom. i took their gifts, weeds and all. stuck them in his empty coffee cup. Habit
  • i never imagined i'd fall for this city. i so love being surprised by love. Habit
  • we thought about the possibilities and a smile spread across our faces. it was indeed exciting and we're anxious to get started.Habit
  • Happiness is fleeting

and I’m the fool who always chases it.

You have roots that keep you in place, But mine grow upwards getting tangled in branches. You have feet that always stay grounded. Wings like a hummingbird, I can’t stay still.

How does a cloud fall in love with foundation? How does the sun admire the moon? Separated, all is well, we are beautiful. But you must know…

I would teach my roots to love the soil. I would trade wings for feet, soaring for stepping. I would become fog that kisses the earth. And I would give up my title to become the star that sits next to you.

I have found happiness that’s not going anywhere, But it turns out I’m the one who’s fleeting. Emily-Langer

may 7 2011 ∞
oct 11 2011 +