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  • hi I'm Diana, Virgo (bday Sept 17), INFP, 26
  • Chinese name: 秋月 (given by my parents; translates to "Autumn Moon" because I was born during the Mid-Autumn/Lunar Festival)
  • from Sichuan province aka land of spicy food and hometown of pandas
  • cat mom, eggplant & salami & fishcake enthusiast, Kirby lover
  • currently living in NYC with boyfriend

❥ — a little more about me

Diana is my actual birth name; I was named after the Princess of Wales! I've moved around the States many times (born in Arizona - 3 years, California - 6 years, New Jersey - 5 years, Massachusetts - 3 years, Maryland - 4 years for uni, New York - 3 years and counting). I graduated from Johns Hopkins University (rank #10 school in the US! rank #12 in the world! odd flex!) with a bachelor's degree in Writing Seminars. I met the love of my life as a sophomore there and we've been dating for over 5 years now~ I know I don't talk about my studies much because I'm insecure and don't think people care, but writing is honestly one of my greatest passions and I hope to pursue it in a more personal way in the future. Currently I'm private tutoring high school students in reading/writing and helping them with the college admissions process. I am also currently taking UCLA online courses to get a college counseling certificate. Please don't be afraid to talk to me. I'm really bad at being the one to initiate conversations, but I try to be inclusive and sweet. ❤

mar 14 2019 ∞
sep 29 2020 +