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Dear Samm,
I can say, without a doubt, that you are one of the most passionate people I have ever met. The way you pursue your goals, and talk about the things you believe in is intense, and gorgeous. Your obsessions (from Eminem, to Sims, and gay rights) are all little quirks that are infinitely Samm, and I couldn’t imagine you being any other way (nor would I want to!). You are the person whom I know I can confide in, and tell absolutely anything without fear of judgment, or that you would share my secrets.
I also admire the way that you are able to discuss controversial topics whilst staying respectful, and even though you may not agree with anybody, you stay polite and I think that gives utter strength to your arguments and opinions. I know you are well-educated in everything you think and say, because the Samm I know is not in the least bit thoughtless. She is kind, and loving, and passionate, and beautiful, and accepting.
I also want to take this opportunity to say that I know you’ve struggled with self-confidence in the past, but I wish you could see yourself the way I do. From your beautiful, sparkling blue eyes, to your gorgeous curls, and those killer dimples, you are so beautiful. But more than the outside, you have a fantastic personality inside as well, which makes you even better. You should know that others can only make you feel inadequate if you let them. And you should never let them Samm, because you are beautiful and strong, and you deserve to love yourself the way others love you. Stay strong and soldier on, because it gets better and life is worth it. The world deserves to have an amazing adult like you in it one day.