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  • it's not hard for me to develop a crush on someone over night, i've realized this. a guy could do a little gesture like smiling when i make a joke or lending me a pen and letting me keep it and i'll find myself falling for him.
  • however, it's not hard for me to give up on a guy and get over him, either. if i find out he has a girlfriend or that he likes someone else, or maybe we just don't really click or never talk to each other, than i can easily forget my feelings for him and move on with my life.
  • i don't like to dwell on those types of feelings because i don't want to seem pathetic or like a loser when it comes to love.
  • a lot of times, i think that i'm anti-relationship. i told my friends how i'd be okay with being 'friends with benefits' with a guy and some of them looked at me like i was crazy.
  • i don't know, sometimes i just think that it would be a hassle to have a committed boyfriend (or girlfriend) because there could be jealousy which leads to problems which leads to fights which leads to heartbreak and in the end, no one is happy.
  • i'd rather be friends with a guy that i can joke around with. i want it so that we can insult each other with neither of us actually feeling deeply offended and/or upset by whatever the other said.
  • however, there are times where i want to feel so in love with someone that i think he might be the one. watching shows, dramas or movies, reading books, fics, or mangas, my favorite part is always the process of the main couple falling in love with each other and i always think, "i want a love just like that".
  • my heart feels what the female counterpart will feel, go through their tears when they think that the guy they like doesn't like them back, feel all fuzzy and giddy inside when they find out that the guy does.
may 5 2009 ∞
jan 28 2010 +