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From oldest to newest, but favorites always on top~

  • The Long Way Home: This place could be paradise. All that it's missing, is you.
  • The Potential to Explode: If you really knew how I felt, you'd call an ambulance.
  • The PS: Thank you.
  • The Sleep: You dreamed me one night. Now I'm dreaming you back.
  • The Reborn: You get a second chance every time you wake up.
  • The Timing: I'm thinking of you. Right now.
  • The Feet: Walk your own path. It has the best scenery along the way.
  • The Glue: You are never as broken as you think you are.
  • The Envy: I wish I was you.
  • The Music: While you may not be able to play an instrument with any real skill, that won’t matter in a few years time once we can just channel the beats directly from your brain into a synthesizer. Get ready for the top 10 baby.
  • The Here: You are already dead in my time. But you are still here. You are the whispering wind that sends goose bumps down my spine and the sensation of water as my foot breaks the surface. You are a lover's fingers on my cheek and a drunkard’s elbow in a crowded bar. You are the grass beneath my toes and the sky above my head. So I smile. Because you are in that too.
  • The Wires: I never met you but I knew all your secrets. You'd spill them late at night across the wires, across the earth, from one continent to another. I don't know what you sounded like but I knew what you'd say. And I didn't even know what you looked like. But I knew how you felt. We trust in strangers the most.
  • The Child: The most important thing you can do right now, is picture yourself when you were five years old and give yourself a hug.
  • The Wedding: Sometimes the sun shines and it still rains. The weather changes all the time. You can too.
  • The Obstacle: Slip behind. Slip over. Slip under. Slip around. Or you can spend your whole life just trying to get through.
  • The Sweet: You look nice today.
  • The Smiling: You work so hard yet you always greet everyone with the same warm smile. // Thank you for smiling.
  • The Forever: I will always remember you. Always.
  • The Big Blue Sea: I don't care how many fish there are in the sea. I don't want a fish. I want you.
  • The Fractures: If anyone's going to break this heart, I think it should be you.
  • The Day You Read This: That the most embarrassing, awkward moments of your life are only remembered by you and no one else. That no one judges you when you walk into a room and all they really want to know, is if you’re judging them. // That bad days end but a smile can go around the world. That life contradicts itself, constantly. That that’s why it’s worth living.
  • The Directions We Give: You're not lost. You're here.
  • The Highest Places: As soon as you think you're done, you are. Keep growing. Never be done.
  • The Protected: You have people looking after you everywhere you go, even if you don't know they're there.
  • The Shine: If you don't want to be average then just try one little bit harder than everyone else around you. That's it.
  • The Time After Now: It might not seem like an adventure right now but when you look back, you'll see.
  • The Scars You Love: There are a million ways to bleed. But you are by far my favorite.
  • The Time We Were: Do you remember when we were vampires? Do you remember when we ran through the streets at night, our heads back, laughing and screaming, so alive it felt like we owned the world? Do you remember? // Do you remember me?
  • The Repeat: That song you keep playing is nothing but a photograph you look at with your ears.
  • The More Than Three: Wish you were here. Wish I was there. Wish it was different. Wish wishes came true. // I'd wish you back.
  • The Things I Say Before I Go: I pray you're ok. That it's ok. I pray all the parts of you that I remember are still there. I pray that you're happy. Even if it's not with me.
  • The Cupboard Is Empty: I’m all out of midnight phone calls and flowers sent to your door. I’m out of throwing letters off fire escapes and drawing a cathedral in the sand. I’m out of spray-painting your name on freeway overpasses. I’m low on cute names given between blankets and 9am. I’ve got no dramatic displays of public affection left. And now everyone else I ever love is going to think me boring. Because I used it all up on you.
  • The Sheer Arrogance of Loneliness: Making love was never about you and me in a bed. We made love whenever we held hands.
  • The Commerce: I would set up shop inside your heart and charge the world to love you.
  • The Pressure To The Wounded: You know I just wouldn't be human if I didn't try and hold your hand as it disintegrated from the light of a thousand suns somewhere above Hiroshima. Or kiss the tears from your cheeks in Iraq, like the sweat from your brow in Zimbabwe. It isn't in me not to try and lift the rubble crushing you in Gaza or hide you in Rwanda. Like a last hug in a building in New York or the water we shared in Afghanistan. More than the blood we mixed in Flanders or the sandy beach we trod in Normandy. Longer than the fires burned in Dresden or Soweto. I won't let go of your hand.
  • The Noisy People: If you wonder when I hear that song if I wonder too, I do.
  • The Time It Takes To Fall: So if all we have is that glance in the window. If all we have is till this train stops. If all we have is till the sun comes up, till your lift picks you up. And If all we have is till the day I die. I'm ok with what we have.
  • The Stars Whisper To Planes (Sometimes Trains): Services were held for us at major international airports and the same song was played each time, the one I'd play outside your bedroom window each night if I could.
  • The Evidence Of History: Sometimes I touch the things you used to touch, looking for echoes of your fingers.
  • The Second Last Stop: We will make you comfortable before you leave. Not for your memory. But for ours.
  • The Union Of Steel And Space: I write the love letters you never got, the ones you never sent. And I'll throw these words out there like confetti at the wedding you and I never had.


  • The Poster: I saw you looking up from sweeping the floor and reading the notice board with the poster about someone winning a holiday for being the hardest working person in the company. I saw you sigh and walk away. I saw the poster was lying.
  • The Past: We've done some research and according to our past lives tracker, at one point or another, you were every single great person in history.
  • The Diary: You once told me “A diary is a long winded letter you write to an old person who used to be you.” // Still, please take better care of it, everyone has to read it in the future, and the bits you’ve spilt grape juice over are completely indecipherable. All we know about -that- New Years Party is from eyewitness accounts of the event and the first and last words of the entry “You’d never believe…” and “…that’s how I ended up on the highway, with a bedside lamp and a breadbox full of money.”
  • The Touch: The bumps and scratches along the way give you texture. We call this texture: life.
  • The Fur: Be soft. Do not let the world make you hard. Do not let the pain make you hate. Do not let the bitterness steal your sweetness. Take pride that even though the rest of the world may disagree, you still believe it to be a beautiful place.
  • The Unfolding: I saw them kick you and beat you till you lay bleeding in the dirt. Broken and burnt, with tears in your eyes, you got up, opened your wings, and hugged the entire world.
  • The Stone: Close your eyes. Breath deeply. And live forever.
  • The Relics: We found relics of you everywhere. Statues, monuments, churches, temples, books and giant stones with your symbol carved into them. // Lovers asked for your blessing and business pleaded their fortune with you. Politicians swore their truth in your name. Mothers called you down upon their young and fragile while fathers at war mumbled your name under their breath as they lay dieing. // We remember you now. We see your stars in the sky.
  • The Iris: Once, years ago, I looked up by mistake and fell into your eyes. // I’m still falling. Sometimes, it feels like flying.
  • The Chances: You have no idea how lucky you are.
  • The Defiance: You’re not like the rest.
  • The Mending: Your wings needed mending. I sat there all night with sticky-tape and glue and a needle and thread and string and old newspapers. The sun came up but still, nothing worked. You needed to fix them yourself. You thanked me for trying and told me because I’d tried, you’d be willing to try too. You flew.
  • The Surprise: You had this expression on your face, like you weren't quite sure you were supposed to be on Earth.
  • The Start: Through one good deed of yours, you will set off a chain reaction that will change the entire world.
  • The Walk: Walking home one day you turned and asked me what I wanted to be when I was old. I said a fireman or a policeman or something else that made sense at the time. I asked you the same question. You said “Happy.”
  • The Faith: Believe in a god. Believe in a song. Believe in a friend. Believe in a warm bed. Believe in tomorrow. Believe in love. Believe in everything. Believe in nothing. Believe in whatever you want. But always believe in yourself.
  • The Burning: You were tired and weary, your eyes heavy. I’d have given anything to be able to just pick you up and carry you home. I’d have run the whole way. But I couldn’t. // The sun is up and you’re still there, finishing what you started. My arms will be ready.
  • The Distance: Standing on the edge of the water, I looked out towards a land I could not see. Somehow, I knew you were doing the same. Thinking of me. Thinking of you.
  • The Ghosts: Buildings crumble. People die. Friends move away. But your memory of them will always stand. And they will be as real there, inside you, as they were when they were standing next to you. // Your memories are real. They are the dreams of the past. And they will live with you always.
  • The Bully: No one would ever think such mean thoughts about you. No one would ever say something so hurtful. No one would ever hit you so hard // Except yourself. // You are always the meanest person you know. And only you can stop you.
  • The Film: The movies you make in your head are the reality you live each day. Be careful what you tell the director.
  • The Number: Two gives you perspective. There is you and there is me. There is night and there is day. A sun and a moon. Love and hate. Sadness and joy. War and peace. Harmony and chaos. Without one, we can never have the other. And to create anything new, a third, you first need two. // Two is important.
  • The Endless: An infinite amount of worlds presents an infinite amount of possibilities. Anything is not only possible, it’s probable. So right now, somewhere in the depths of space, on a planet exactly like ours, a person exactly like you stood up and learned to fly.
  • The Fear: I asked if you’d seen any good horror movies lately. You said // “There aren’t any good horror movies anymore. In the 90’s we were scared of the end of the world, so we made movies about that. In the 80’s it was serial killers and psychopaths. Today, we just turn on the news." // It would be nice to have good horror movies again.
  • The Building: You weaved a mystery for the world just by being who you are. It was only when we had some perspective that we realized how beautiful it was. // Thank you for being you.
  • The Edge: Every cut. Every tear. Every time. You don’t know it, but I feel it too. // Please don’t hurt me.
  • The Traveller: It's not about the light. It's about meeting people in the tunnel.
  • The Duel: Sometimes you're the frog. Sometimes you're the prince.
  • The Song: Play the song loudly and hear it because you like it. Not because you want them to hear you liking it.
  • The Overheard: I found an angel tied up in the bathroom at a restaurant. I was about to untie her. You stopped me and told me to ask her first if she wanted to be untied. She smiled and told me she was fine. As we walked out, you told me you can’t argue with angels. They do what they want. Even if they’ve fallen. And you’ve got to respect them for that.
  • The Crowded Life: You can have the entire world around you and yet still be completely alone.
  • The Contradiction: Don't leave the party because you think there's a better party. // But you'll never know unless you go.
  • The Right Side Up: The sky looks like it's falling. // But that's only because you're about to fly.
  • The Passing of Time: You can be happy tomorrow. You can be happy when you get through your list of things to do. You can be happy when you meet the one. You can be happy when you get the right job. You can be happy when you get that raise. You can be happy when you stop buying the things you need and start buying the things you want. You can be happy when you retire. You can be happy when the weather suits you. You can be happy on a plane. You can be happy in the rain. // Or you can stop reading this, take a deep breath, and be happy right now.
  • The Send/Delete: I've written you a hundred messages that I'll never send.
  • The Feelings Inside: Telling people how you feel is the first step to feeling better.
  • The Price: You are worth so much more than you give yourself credit for. // Charge accordingly.
  • The Peace and Riot: You need to tell the person in your head telling you what you are and are not capable of to shut the hell up.
  • The Point of Contact: And then my soul saw you and it kind of went "Oh there you are. I've been looking for you."
  • The Moment After: Good or bad, right or wrong, you only ever really hear the truth after you've been fucked.
  • The Moment Before: Just tell them how you feel. Is anyone going to die? // No. // But one day, you will. // Would you like to do that before or after you tell them?
  • The Profile: I thought I'd found my favorite picture of me. Then I realized it was just because you were in it, too.
  • The Other Side: Just so you know, there are days when I'm a complete and utter insecure, paranoid wreck.
  • The Armstice: We wanted a war but we called it peace. And we bombed each other’s cities till nothing was left. Now you’ve left me alone to take care of the wounded. The least you could’ve done was help me bury the dead.
  • The Two Player Game: I picked up my pieces so I could help you pick up yours.
  • The Exit Sign: You only ever come here when you're feeling hurt or sad. // I hope you don't have to come back here ever again.
  • The Time And The Place: I will wait for you here because here is the last place I saw you.
  • The Never Ending Search For Something Real: I spend most of my nights outside, looking for ways to make you smile.
  • The Straight Lines: I love you because you took the time to read this sentence.
  • The Flipping Coin: When you're at the top, remember what if felt like at the bottom. When you're at the bottom, remember what it felt like at the top. // Good doesn't last forever. Neither does bad.
  • The Tired Advice: But love is none of these things. It won't suddenly make every day ok. It won't change who you are. It won't make your car go faster. It doesn't even wash your dishes. // All love is, is love. And that's all it needs to be, really.
  • The Proven Regret: There are days when I exist simply to prove you wrong about me.
  • The Sense: I know you're still out there. And I'm still waiting.
  • The Long Time Coming: I never stopped loving you. Because I never stopped breathing.
  • The Reflected Past: I let the clock face the mirror so that each second takes me closer towards you. Instead of further away.
  • The Time Before Now: I began thousands of years ago on a cave wall somewhere in Africa. I painted the idea of you before symbols could make sounds in our heads. And each time I come back, I'm the same. This is not the first time you've read this. I've told you a thousand times over a thousand years. I am no more the first me that's ever been than you are the first you. And we certainly won't be the last.
  • The Time It Takes To Fall: So if all we have is that glance in the window. If all we have is till this train stops. If all we have is till the sun comes up, till your lift picks you up. And If all we have is till the day I die. I'm ok with what we have.
  • The Town At The Time: Between you and me (somewhere between now and then), this is where we buried the children we once were.
  • The Campaign For Shorter Days: When we get to the end of this, you're going to need to remind me whose turn it is to leave.
  • The Children Of Monsters: Everything you like, I will find some reason to dislike and if we find we like the same thing, I will insist that you like it less than me or for the wrong reasons, like you don’t really understand the things you like. Because that makes me feel better about who I am. What I am.
nov 23 2008 ∞
jan 28 2010 +