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  • I have not top tened in over a week. I know this makes all of you very very sad. I promise I will try harder to top ten Monday-Friday. I know this makes all of you very very happy. And eager. Now, seriously….
  • my crush on William Sledd has only increased tremendously by my sharing knowledge of said Sledd with Kelly. I showed her some of my favorite videos (bitchmas, mom visits, ahoy bitches Halloween, Isaac and William) and now my crush has done nothing but turn into OUR crush. And also caused me to purchase four W’s for the wall. One was a prepainted decoration that we found at Target (Target plug) in the children’s section. This adorable brand which I can not find online for the life of me, had the cutest little room details and girls dress up stuff and made Kelly and I desire children pronto. It seems that Isa-in-the-belly will be even more spoiled than originally anticipated when she comes out of the belly and becomes just Isabell. Get excited IKP (my latest name to call her)
  • A few weeks ago (actually, probably more like a month) Jana and I took a trip to hobby lobby. I purchased a package of two green buttons for 2 cents. No tax. I started a button collection. It has gotten out of hand. After two trips to Michael’s this weekend, and a trip to the walmart craft section, I have now become the button master. Cute as a button, as a matter of fact. (much like Chelsea Sutton)…. I seem to be making lots of buttonfilled crafts for sending to my friends. So beware: if I tend to send you lots of mail, you will probably be receiving lots of buttony things soon. You know you are excited.
  • The planning for my 25th birthday celebration weekend has begun. 25. Quarter of a century. A SILVER CELEBRATION. Silver.Sparkling.SpectacularSpectactular. Oh, golly gee I am elated. Since I will not be having a 2008 wedding (and quite possibly at the rate I’m going with the gays, NEVER having a wedding); I have started a celebration registry. And I am in the process of designing the save the date cards to have them out this week. It will be most fantastic. You should start searching for your best silver party outfit now, kids!
  • This Friday is the Sleepover of Majesties with Chelsical. What could be better than that?!?!!? If Holly and Kinsey come too =) (currently pending)
  • Happy First Real Day of Your New Jobs to my roomies- Kelly and Kyle. =) The 2204 is full of working girls <3
  • So, project MOH is going well…. I have so much fun searching for things/reviewing websites Danielle sends me/basically wedding planning with the bride via the internet. I just wish I could be in Minn. more often!!! But, I have also taken care of some of my own stuff for the wedding: IE: my “trainer” for working out to fit nicely into the dress, shopped for (and I believe narrowed down) for my rehersal dinner dress, bought my plane ticket to Minnesota, etc…. now I just need to find shoes for the wedding, find a hair place (I have started a major facebook campaign to the girls I know in the cities to find the best place), make my nails look pretty, start my white strips and tanning (although, I don’t want to be orange, so we are going to wait for a few more weeks before we start that one…), reserve my hotel room for the wedding (which I will do tomorrow!), buy the other ½ of my travel, prepare toast ( :) )….etc. etc….project MOH: still in session. (I have been keeping a photo of dani and I in my wallet to help me remember to be thrifty on other purchases to comfortably enjoy all aspects of this wedding finance fear free.
  • This weekend was FULL of productivity. And this week is going to follow suit. I am in todo list heaven lately. This may be because I bought the book at Barnes from this website a few weeks ago: I think I will go spend some time making lists and learning about writing wedding toasts tonight.
  • SPRING CLEANING: today, I took EVERYTHING off my desk, dusted, and put everything back, going through each stack of papers, file, drawer and container. I feel like I can now be much more productive at work (note: as in, make my top tens every day)
  • My dear other gay, Stephan, is coming to Texas sometime in March or April. You better BELIEVE there will be celebration. <3
feb 18 2008 ∞
feb 22 2008 +