"If it hurts more than it makes you happy then take a lesson and leave. Listen, it's going to be OK, some people are only rehearsals for the real thing."

"If they want to, they would, always remember that. Always remember, that if someone loves you there will be no excuses, no if's or but's, no second, third or fourth chances. No maybes and no constant apologies at all."

"Please don't settle. Not in a job you hate, not in a town where you don't feel at home, not with friendships that aren't real, and especially, especially not with love."

"When the wrong people leave your life, the right things happen. Trust who comes and who goes."

"You can rise up from anything. You can completely recreate yourself. Nothing is permanent. You're not stuck. You have choices. You can think new thoughts. You can learn something new. You can create new habits. All that matters is that you decide today and never look back."

"If you find someone who makes you smile, who checks up on you often to see if you're okay, who watches out for you and wants the very best for you, don't let them go."

"It's painfu to say goodbye to someone you don't want to let go, but more painful to ask someone to stay when you know they want to leave."

"One day it just clicks... You realize what's important and what isn't. You learn to case less about what other people think of you and more about what you think of yourself. You realize how far you've come and you remember when you thought things where such a mess that they'd never recover. And then you smile. You smile because you are truly proud of yourself and the person you've fought to become."

"Se encha de amor e vá. Comece, ou recomece. Não importa. A palavra de ordem é: movimente-se. Seja bom, porque o tipo de pessoa que você é, influencia o ambiente em que você vive, e as pessoas com as quais você convive. Olhe a vida nos olhos, com respeito e fé, sem medo do que está por vir, sem se preocupar com o que já foi. O que está destinado a acontecer se apresentará a você, o que não estiver, sairá de cena, no momento certo. Saiba que hoje, agora, é sempre a hora certa, pra tudo, principalmente, para viver."

"Se reinventa, leia um livro que nunca pensou em tentar descobrir, vá para um lugar desconhecido, que pode te surpreender. Puxa assunto com aquela pessoa com quem nunca teve coragem de falar. A vida nos pede pra tentar, o tempo todo. Cabe a nós aceitar, ou recusar."

dec 20 2018 ∞
dec 23 2018 +