user image

{ kara | 20 | she/he/they | white | bi | ♎/♏ cusp | neurodivergent }

also sometimes someone else is fronting for me, all you need to know on him is:
{nana | 32 | he | bi | ♋}

listography TERMS
  • no, no, no, no, and i mean absolutely NO LGBT/ace/SGA discourse. PLEASE. this is non-negotiable. i really dont want to see it on any sides. im a little more comfortable with the "bi"/"ace" sides of the argument, though my actual views on the subject involve treating all sides with compassion and basic respect, and addressing problems on both sides.
  • no anti-sjws/anti-feminists/whatever else you guys call yourselves, you're never gonna get me to see things your way and i am just not interested at this point.
  • no truscum, no TERFs, no one of their type. absolutely non-negotiable. gatekeeping personalities are not and never will be wanted, validated or respected by me. you do not deserve access to me or my loved ones, and your abusive ideologies have instilled horrible trauma and doubt in people i care about and i, even if we fit all your "requirements" of being trans, neurodivergent, gay, etc. get the fuck out.
  • if you're using an abusive character/ship to cope, i would prefer you say so but you don't HAVE to say so. i do the same thing, but not knowing if someone is coping or just flat-out thoughtlessly engaging in abuse apologism triggers my anxiety pretty bad. this is just an "if you can" thing, it's not a requirement. survivors shouldnt HAVE to out themselves to allowed to cope and live, yknow??
  • if you refuse to think critically about your fave media/person/ship/etc, for ANY reason, we will probably not get along.
  • if you have a problem with doubles wrt kin stuff, please just do not interact with me or my loved ones. i won't go out of my way to harass you, i understand that attitudes like that stem from VERY valid issues. but please don't go out of your way to harass me. my kin stuff is my coping/comfort material, and you're not allowed to try to take that or guilt that away from me.
aug 20 2016 ∞
aug 20 2016 +