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{ kara | 20 | she/he/they | white | bi | ♎/♏ cusp | neurodivergent }

also sometimes someone else is fronting for me, all you need to know on him is:
{nana | 32 | he | bi | ♋}

listography TERMS

battering wood:

  • a little girl befriends a community of sentient talking forest animals, many of which shouldn't actually be living in forests. oh, and like, metaphors for accepting short lives and deaths or something. did i mention she's terminally ill that's kind of a thing

deadly mistakes (technically an rp group but i came up with a good deal of the lore):

  • a bunch of traumatized, mentally ill young people who are the children of wacky crossover fandom ships rise up and fight to save the world several times! and... each other ;-; from. themselves sometimes ;;-;;
    • arc 1 - king protea: a bunch of traumatized, mentally ill young people meet up at a medical clinic by totally random chance and get wrapped up in a magical girl's wacky quest to stop these two evil guys from destroying all of mankind to make room for their humanoid alien master race, and in the process end up seducing one of the evil guys to the side of good because SURPRISE! he is also a traumatized, mentally ill young person in need of genuine friendship.
    • arc 2 - chasing shadows: a bunch of traumatized, mentally ill young people realize "well shit, there's still that other evil guy", but HOLY SHIT! the other evil guy has a replacement second-in-command now and she's an evil LADY! which he got like, weirdly fast, which the no-longer-evil guy is kinda depressed about because like, he thought he was the evil guy's favorite ;-; turns out the evil guy doesnt give a shit about nobody. the evil lady seems just as evil but she too, is a traumatized, mentally ill young person in need of genuine friendship so like... its good it ends up all cool for everybody except the evil guy who fucks off to... who knows where? is that even the last we'll see of him? who knows lol (also the other members of the rp take over for quite a while here and make up their own arcs so ill skip to the next one i run)
    • arc 7 - silver fluch: a bunch of traumatized, mentally ill young people happen upon a quaint little high-end town filled with straight-laced, perfect little families - but a ghost haunts this town, a ghost every parent fears. this ghost, a mysterious man called "canaria" has been kidnapping the children of this town from their beds at night, and the parents of these childrens have tried everything they can think of to catch and stop him, but... it's like he isn't even human. all they can do is rely on these traumatized, mentally ill young people to help them get their children back from this man - after all, god knows what sick, twisted things he's doing to their little angels. i mean... that's what the parents told these young people, right? so that's the way it must be happening... right? what reason would they have to lie? who is the lamb, and who is the lion, really?
    • arc 12 - russian dance: a bunch of traumatized, mentally ill young people discover that maybe those loose ends in their magical girl leader's past are a little looser than they all had anticipated. maybe they're completely coming apart at the seams, and they're hellbent on revenge against the girl who left them behind in a world doomed to die.

the good doctor, ismond grace:

  • happy family physician has it all. a good-paying job, a wonderful home, a beautiful wife, a loving family, and so, so many plans for the future... until his beautiful wife takes everything from him. and she gets what she deserves. death to the heartless bitch who DARED to abort their child - HIS child. death to her father, who discovered her body. death to bart bottlem, who dared to fall in love, death to the parents of mary molenstraat, abused and took advantage of innocence, but when will death come for dr. grace? no. never. that's too kind to be what he deserves.
  • lindo mundo: wip

mr. flowers' funhouse spectacular:

  • a jobless divorcee who shot his wife and daughter and narrowly avoided blowing out his own useless brains - for who knows what kind of selfish reason - thinks he has a lot to teach the kids of the world on his brand new children's show! it takes a lot of inspiration from barney, that was a pretty popular show when mr. flowers was a kid - but... it doesn't lie. it doesn't sugarcoat. and it doesn't protect. the world is cruel. the world is harsh. the world is unforgiving. the world doesn't give a SHIT about any of us. that's why you kids can't leave until you learn your lesson, the world's going to chew you up and spit you out, and it won't have the decency to kill you to put you out of your misery. even if you die here, you can't just... LEAVE without learning what mr. flowers is here to teach you.

rosamund manor:

  • the pirate has no idea why no one will join him on his journey to an incredibly wealthy port town that will pay ridiculous levels of top coin for the goods he totally didn't steal from a ship of british imperialist scumbags or anything. he has literally no clue why the guy he finally finds who's escorting him to said town won't even set foot in the damn place. turns out the town is home to a sprawling victorian monstrosity called 'rosamund manor', which immediately captures the pirate's interest, because people won't stop saying cryptic bullshit about it and shivering. what could have happened there? does anyone even live there? spoiler alert: immensely fucked up shit happened there, so fucked up most people don't even think a sailor can handle it. and the pirate's interest in the whole place practically leaves him no choice but to throw himself into the mystery whole-heartedly... attracting the dubiously-human, ancient hatred of the man still living there, known only as "the lord". the lord doesn't exactly like strangers prying into his past, and he isn't afraid of ending the pirate's life if it means keeping his nose out of the oppressively dark, candle-lit halls of rosamund manor.
  • sniper's bullshit adventure (?): wip

snow rabbit:

  • a young girl named alyssa's seen all there is to see of the world, and she would like to die now. the world is a white wasteland of snow and black, dead trees, and there is absolutely nothing beyond the woods. absolutely nothing, probably. her father would never lie to her. pepper and penelo's mother would never lie to them. vincent's guardian would never lie to him. so... there's probably nothing out there, haha. their warnings, to never go too far into the woods are so... strange and urgent, though.
  • the fireball outfit: wip

tragic hero:

  • michael felici is a terminally ill drugstore clerk with just about nothing going for him. his family isn't particularly emotionally available - but he figures they're coping with his imminent death in their own way, they can't possibly just-- not LOVE him, haha! they're his family! anyway... he's going to die in a year, so... does it really matter? does anything really matter other than surviving from day to day, just... getting by? that's how he feels until florindo pirelli, the enigmatic human whirlwind comes flying into his life, and it's something like love. something deeper than the romantic love he sees in the movies, when a man and a woman kiss. something like... soulmatehood. there's really no word for it, a-anyway florindo has a fiancee so it wouldn't be like that to begin with. there's just one teensy-tiny problem: florindo is a serial killer, and he's on the run from detective nathaniel tallens, a man made famous by his success in bringing the corrupt judge velvet to justice in this very town years ago. but... florindo isn't just a heartless bastard. he was abused by a child, he had this awful mother -- you don't understand him like michael does! florindo isn't a bad guy, he... he has problems, he needs help! things get really interesting the day florindo confesses that if he could do the honors of "helping michael go from this world to the next in a far more dignified way - not stuffed full of needles and tubes and hooked up to machines, alone in a bright white room", he would never feel the need to kill again. that would be the most perfect, most beautiful murder he could ever commit... and who is michael to turn down the most wonderful proposal he's ever received? and what could happen in the span of michael's last year that could convince him that his life was worth living?

w@tchtower grotto:

  • an 18 year old highschooler named nageki experiences her second go at finishing her senior year with passing grades, and that's-- pretty much all there is to that, right? also she falls into a fuckportal into another world, as lots of japanese highschoolers do but i mean thats not that big a deal
    • loop #1: a band of radical freedom fighters does the impossible. they kill a godking. they take his throne, committed to fixing all the mistakes of the late, lazy, careless king - an order that ends up being a bit too tall for this new oligarchy. but... killing that godking, it was all so easy, wasn't it? could it be he's still out there somewhere, and he can help?
    • loop #2: [wip - nageki vs pidgeon]
    • loop #3 [wip - nageki vs kyuun]
    • loop #4 [wip - nageki vs kutsuuko]
    • loop #5 wip
    • loop #6 [wip - nageki vs north and the house of laurels]
aug 21 2016 ∞
aug 21 2016 +