list icon
  • lulu
  • she/her
  • 20 {02-09-2000}
  • asian, +62 (chinese)
  • INA/ENG ok!
oct 8 2020 ∞
dec 1 2020 +
  • i tweet a lot lawl
  • this is a sketchdump + shitpost account kinda, so i either post 5 new things in one go or no art in 3 weeks :3
  • i softblock/hardblock a lot n its nothing personal or special:)
  • please dont follow me if you're expecting me to post new art daily
  • im a kpop stan! even though i wont be tweeting about it a lot here, i still might once in a while.
  • i will not TW/CW my interests: KPOP, GENSHIN, IDV
oct 8 2020 ∞
dec 28 2020 +
  • i dont always reply to DMs right away im sorry !! im old n wrinkly talking takes 28 years off my life </3
  • i forget to reply A LOTTTT,, i reply in my head.....
  • TL interactions > DMs
  • im sorry if i ever make you feel like im ignoring you!!! i swear im not !
  • i banter a lot to get closer, if that bothers you please let me know!
  • pls sb to unfollow !!
  • tell me if u followed me w ur priv !! esp if u dont have ur main acc info on ur priv bio! twt doesnt notif me when priv accs follow me so im sorry for the hassle :-(
  • u dont have to use tone tags with me!
oct 8 2020 ∞
dec 28 2020 +
list icon
  • ASIA server
  • GAME ID : 31529525
  • i play for fun :) people who dgaf abt ranking add me!!!!!
  • feel free to add me! pls do tell me ur @ so i'll know!
  • main : perfumer
  • learning : ento & enchan ੈ♡
oct 8 2020 ∞
dec 1 2020 +
  • ASIA server
  • GAME ID : 810186910
  • feel free to add me! <3
  • i suck at this game honestly n it gets pretty boring so im all for playing w evryone </3
dec 1 2020 ∞
dec 28 2020 +

pls CW the following:

  • eating disorder
  • weight mention
  • gore
  • animal killings
dec 28 2020 ∞
dec 28 2020 +
  • ure under 15 (current mutuals OK!)
  • pro shippers u r all freaks
  • ure horny/NSFW
  • u think fiction doesnt affect reality
oct 8 2020 ∞
dec 28 2020 +


oct 8 2020 ∞
dec 1 2020 +