• I like to think my account is generally pretty friendly for all ages Twitter is made for, but if something isn't and you are bothered by it, feel free to softblock or message me if you'd like to talk about it.
  • Please feel completely free to tell me to tag something (and give me a suggestion of a tag). I will do my best to follow.
  • I softblock quite liberally myself. It usually means I don't have an issue with you, but I might have an issue with what you're posting. This might include:
    • Hating on things I love.
    • Overly crass humor.
    • Actively getting involved in drama.
    • General hostility (includes too much swearing and too much sarcasm).
    • Certain topics, such as condoning:
      • Cheating
      • Incest
      • Noncon
      • Very sexually explicit stuff / kinks / etc. (nothing wrong with these ones, just not my cup of tea)
  • I have two very active accounts and two very inactive accounts. This means I might miss your interaction. Please gently nudge me if we were actually having a conversation and I don't reply, as I might have missed your reply for a number of reasons.
  • I am quite anxious about DMs. I'd appreciate not being sent a DM without warning or you might throw me off for the whole day. A heads up tweet will help me.
  • If I say something really personal or am being self deprecating, I'd appreciate it if you don't quote / retweet me.
  • I sometimes don't understand if non mutuals want me in a conversation or not, so I might stop replying in a thread in which we don't follow each other / you're not following me. If you do actually want to talk you can also just gently nudge me.
oct 16 2017 ∞
oct 18 2017 +