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Some more stuff you might need to know about me before following:

  • I WILL NOT FOLLOW ANYONE UNDER 18! FULL STOP! (And I will also not allow anyone under 18 to follow me on private accounts)
  • That being said, I'm pretty chill most of the time so feel free to chat about whatever if you need someone to vent at for a while. Trust me it's not a bother at all!
  • I tend to rant about things I'm passionate about or characters that I love a lot (I'm sorry in advance)
  • I'm not even joking about the rambling thing I went on a 70+ 2 hour long tweet rant about Naruto I'm sorry
  • My Tumblr is mostly queued so don't expect me to be on there much except when I fill up said queue
  • I'm usually on at night but sometimes I'm on during the day if I'm not out/working
  • I mostly talk/ramble about anime, manga & video games & sometimes political stuff
  • I also ramble about my aus sometimes
  • I also cry over fictional characters a lot
  • I'm pretty chill with most ships but I'm not super hardcore so please don't bring ship wars onto my tl I'm too old for that mess.
  • In case you are wondering which ships I try to avoid like the plague though that'd be: Orochimaru/anyone (Naruto), SasuSaku (sorry) (Naruto), Arba/Sinbad (Magi), Kida/Saki (Drrrr!), Ayanami/Teito (07 Ghost), Sebastian/Ciel (Kuroshitsuji), Rika/anyone (Mystic Messenger)
  • If you like any of those ships you can still follow me just don't expect me to like them. And don't follow just to try and "open my eyes" to how awesome these ships are because I can assure you I will block you. You can like what you like I don't care just don't expect everyone to like what you like.
  • I am an old & tired bun & can't handle fandom drama anymore please just let me live my life in peace
  • Show artists the respect they deserve & stop re-posting their art without their permission or telling them they charge to much or so help me God
  • If you think I'm mad at you I'm probably not I don't have the extra energy to be mad at people on the internet for more than like 10 minutes
jan 4 2017 ∞
feb 23 2018 +