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INFJ, she/her, taurus, tea drinker, pacifistic feminist, asexual/queer, animal lover, tree hugger, nature worshipper, science enthusiast, future social worker, in recovery, actually Rapunzel


You are an Artist

  • Your appreciation of beauty, ability to think abstractly, and innovativeness make you an ARTIST.
  • Never one to be tied to a particular way of doing things, you let your imagination guide you in discovering different possibilities.
  • You would rather seek out new experiences than stick to your everyday habits, taking in as much of the world as possible.
  • Your eye for beauty and your willingness to consider different perspectives make your creative efforts interesting—even though you may not realize this yourself.
  • You prefer to think about things before voicing your opinion, considering a wide, diverse range of options.
  • While there are forms and styles that you prefer, you tend to keep an open mind when it comes to your artistic preferences.
  • You are curious about things, interested in the "why" more than the “how.”
  • You have an active imagination that leads you express yourself in a distinct way.
  • You're not one to force your positions on a group, and you tend to be fair in evaluating different options.
  • You prefer to have time to plan for things, feeling better with a schedule than with keeping plans up in the air until the last minute.
  • You do your own thing when it comes to clothing, guided more by practical concerns than by other people's notions of style.
  • If you want to be different:
    • Be more open to risks in your creative efforts, and don't be quick to dismiss the praise of others.
    • Think about how attention to detail may help you be more sure of yourself.

You are Generous

  • Your awareness of those around you, along with your nuanced perceptions of the world at large, makes you the GENEROUS person that you are.
  • You value time to yourself and understand how rich your private world can be—you know that you don't have to go wild to have a good time.
  • You are excited and energized by ideas and often enjoy things more through observation than through experience.
  • This tendency gives you an appreciation for different perspectives and opinions about the world.
  • Being as aware of others as you are doesn't mean you find it easy to trust them immediately—this is something that happens more slowly for you.
  • Despite this, you are aware of the complexities of many situations and are reluctant to pass judgments on others.
  • Although you have fewer friendships than some people, those that you have are meaningful and are important to you.
  • You value spending time alone—it is while reflecting on the world around you that you often learn something new about yourself or begin to understand something that's been bothering you.
  • If you want to be different:
    • Given how attuned you are to others' thoughts and feelings, you might find that trusting people more is a way to broaden your perspective even further.
    • While you know how much can be learned from observing the world around you, remember that much of life can be lived by experiencing it, not just by understanding it.
mar 18 2012 ∞
mar 18 2012 +