learning to type on a korean keyboard
Rhyme to learn consonants
- Q (ㅂ), W (ㅈ), E (ㄷ), R (ㄱ), T (ㅅ)
- A (ㅁ), S (ㄴ), D (ㅇ), F (ㄹ), G (ㅎ)
- Z (ㅋ), X (ㅌ), C (ㅊ), V (ㅍ)
- (B)ungee (J)ump (D)on't (G)e (S)cared
- (M)ale (N)injas (O)nly (L)ong (H)air
- (U)se (K)arate (T)o (C)hop (P)ears
- The first letter in the English rhyme corresponds to the Korean letter.
- Use / ㅠ is the only out of place, with it actually being after V/ㅍ
Vowel placement
- Y (ㅛ), U (ㅕ), I (ㅑ), O (ㅐ), P(ㅔ)
- H (ㅗ), J (ㅓ), K (ㅏ), L (ㅣ)
- B (ㅠ), N (ㅜ), M (ㅡ)
- Vowels don't have a rhyme but are laid out in pairs
- Y/H ㅛ/ㅗ, U/J ㅕ/ㅓ, I/K ㅑ/ㅏ are paired vertically
- B/N ㅠ/ㅜ is paired horisontally
- Vertical based characters are on the right
- O/P = ㅐ/ㅔ
- L = ㅣ
- U/J = ㅕ/ㅓ
- I/K = ㅑ/ㅏ
- Horizontal based characters are on the left and bottom
- Y/H = ㅛ/ㅗ
- M = ㅡ
- B/N = ㅠ/ㅜ
learning sources — x