• gender is weird (he/they pronouns)
  • transmasc || i want to make changes to my body to be more masc/androgynous but not the full binary transition
  • i pretty much love cute things just as much as i love horror, which feels odd to me but whatever
  • creativity has been my lifeline since i was really little and i don't know what i would do if i couldn't be creative in some way
  • i love to read but have no discipline
  • i've got a good chunk of time on my hands but sometimes its hard to direct my energy into completing a task
  • i'm diagnosed with bpd, ptsd and severe clinical depression || i'm doing my best, i swear
  • i love to chat but sometimes anxiety gets the better of me so i over-analyze every detail of something until i'm almost too tired to exist
  • i'm polytheistic, pagan and very open minded when it comes to spirituality and i have a strong fascination with the occult
sep 5 2020 ∞
sep 5 2020 +