• 8/25/13 UConn starts tomorrow! I'm all moved into my new digs. It worked out well that I was home early from VT. #LyndonState I'm feeling prepared and ready for this semester...perhaps a little anxsty to get started. A few admin things to work out but excited all the same. I'm looking forward to seeing how all my little friends are going to do starting their new chapters as well. Ready for Fall!

Scott: "It doesn't bother me it only perplexes me. Why would she do that?"

  • 8/26/13 First day. Super casual. Perks of having guy roommates: they move your furniture in for you. Booosh.

Yuri Quote about Northern Exits: Y'all's exits are all kinds of messed up, you got left exits, right exits and y'all's mile markers are just wrong.

  • 8/27/13 Productive day but...heavy. I need not take this time in my life for granted. The Joys of ENVE: two different profs already made snarkey comments about GW and death.
  • 8/28/13 Attacked the bio lab that was our bathroom. Chemistry definitely prevailed over Biology.
  • 8/28/13 Continued.... The College Life: Wayyy too much nachos & beer. Determined the Brian:Celicia drinking ratio is 3:1.

Brian: Oh...I forgot my bedding...and toiletries. Apparently they were all in the same bag. Yeah, amd I'm stuck with these flipflots till Thanksgiving because I forgot the rest of my shoes too.

  • 8/29/13 Wandered through the gardens at Harkness. Not at all worried about moving Kenzie into school! YESS! In Kenzie's words: "You guys were rock stars tonight at the party." I'm so glad it went well.
  • 8/30/13 Deandra made pancakes this morning with the help of my Dad and then helped clean up the kitchen?! She is sooo big. Forgot that I had class at noon...bahh, I'm an idiot.

New backpack, new outlook. <3 MJH!

  • 8/31/13 I did more than just Bob.

On Watching Martha Stuart: "This just makes me want to bake and fuck you."

  • 9/1/13 The day started with dubious thunder storms. But although the day could have been gray and lonely I was blessed with much appreciated company. St.Pat/St.Anthony, falafal, the Wadsworth Anthenium, Scotties custard,reading & spaghetti in bed, Dr. Who...and of course there was a Target run in there.
  • 9/2/13 Today! How can there be so many successively wonderful days!?

Listening to a lot of Lady Gaga.

  • 9/3/13 Found a hidden stairway to a boiler room. It was warm and secluded with an easy hum from the boiler. The perfect place for a nap before class.

CVS Run For:TeenVOGUE - One Direction Edition, Dark Chocolate Covered Goji Berries, tape & tacks.

Thomas: "That is the worst gift you've ever gotten from a lover...EVER."

  • 9/4/13 The interest rate on that load is terrible. (referring to grief)
  • 9/5/13 Woke up and had blueberry pancakes with the babes at Grandpa's.

Brad Quotes of the Day: "You think its going to tern into...what are those things called, an orgee?" Me: "What?! Hahaha, you mean an orgy?" Brad:"Well if it has a foam machiene, we all know what that means."

  • 9/6/13 Can't wait for Tiger Balm & bed...but first some Roulette and smores with the roomies.
  • 9/7/13 Superfund sites, wedding shower, jubilee, Inner Being! Blah! Life is good.

Quick and English Dirty Tip: Both "than" and "comparison" have the letter "a" in them, and "then" and "time" both have the letter "e."


  • 9/8/13 Rocked Mt. Manadnock! With a MokeyGoat that makes Kookaburra noises.
  • 9/9/13 $29,652? Aww, fuck you higher education.
  • 9/10/13 Gal 2:20
  • 9/11/13 Never divide your troops when faced with a superior force.
  • 9/12/13 Either you decide to stay in the shallow end of the pool or you go out in the ocean. -Christopher Reeve
  • 9/13/13 Had Bowen over for fish dinner! Henry cook time! He is so creative and ready to experiment for fun and delicious results! We, thankfully, did not have to soak the blue fish in milk and the baste it in Mayonnaise. Kunfu move with my favorite translator!

Henry La: "You know what that means don't you?" Me: "Oh what!? I thought she was just being sweet!" Henry La: "Hahaha...it doesn't mean anything, I was just messing with you."

  • 9/14/13 New Church, Hiking & Walking @ Bluff Point. Nap on the beach! Arri and Liver age getting so mature. Few! I can't keep up with their growth!
  • 9/15/13 Nessy scored a goal! & Farra did great! Arri had every assist! Took the girls down to Harkness and then had a delicious dinner my Mom made! It was so wonderful to have Henry apart of everything! The BROWNIES WERE SO GOOD & I don't even like brownies that much.
  • 9/16/13 Busy but productive! Ballroom dance class, soccer game, Freshens with Brad and the team. I really enjoy the way things escalate when we are together.

Henry La: "You can't even stand the punch!"

  • 9/17/13 Met a kid named Lazarus in the computer lab. He printed my homework for me because I ran out of pages on my account. Thank you! I accidentally wrote 2014 on two separate documents today. My subcontinent is apparently ready for the future.
  • 9/18/13 They say what goes up, must come down but don't let me fall.
  • 9/19/13 Spent the afternoon drilling in a lovely corn field. I love my life.

Me: "Michelle, when I fail out of the engineering program and become a dominatrix assassin you will need to burn my planner." Michelle: "You have no other choice. This is what our society has come to. You didn't even need to tell me because I already knew. I will find your planner and burn it before Sherlock finds it."

  • 9/20/13 We all wore the same shade of purple to our senior design meeting today...we didn't plan to but it looked nice.
  • 9/21/13 Saturday morning breakfast: blueberry pancakes smothered in peanut butter with chocolate milk.
  • 9/22/13 First day of Fall! Apple picking, candy apple and pie making! Yay!

Age is an issue of mind over matter. If you don't mind, it doesn't matter. -Mark Twain

Thomas: How many times a week can I text you complaining about mornings? The answer is seven, seven times.

  • 9/23/13 A nice change of pace. Worked from home to study for exam. Even got a nap and some snuggles in before I left. CRUtons won their last game! Woot woot! We are wayyyy too excited, I LOVE it.

Yuri: Well well well, we'll wellview some wells well tomorrow!

  • 9/24/13 Brian comes to my rescue. Me:"I did it again, Brian! I'm crumbling!" Brain:"Write it down and then put it away. Don't read it again, just put it away and go focus on your homework."

I never really thought of this: Bottles of ketchup are routinely left on the counters of cafes, yet the ketchup does not spoil. Why not? Solution: The vinegar in the ketchup makes the pH low enough (acidity high) that the ketchup is like pickles.

To sum up what I learned in Fluid Mechanics:Ketchup is a shear thinning fluid. Shear thinning means that the fluid viscosity decreases with increasing shear stress. In other words, fluid motion is initially difficult at slow rates of deformation, but will flow more freely at high rates.

  • 9/25/14 stress: /stres/ noun 1.pressure or tension exerted on a material object. 2.a state of mental or emotional strain or tension resulting from adverse or very demanding circumstances. 3.particular emphasis or importance.
  • 9/26/13 I'm going to jump off a bridge after this exam. No, for real, I did.

Jake: "Be calmed by my saliva."

  • 9/27/13 To fall asleep loved, to wake up wanted, to survive.
  • 9/28/13 Strange day.
  • 9/29/13 Ho Bo Ken

"The House and Senate are like two locomotives barreling toward one another ... in slow motion," tweeted Republican Representative Scott Rigell.

  • 9/30/13 Never say no to a sandwich.

Just realized I only own two movies: "Dances with Wolves" and "Grand masters"

  • 9/30/13 CONT: Today I bought shoes and tampons, I am now a woman.

Bowen: "I'm a horse" Me: "Ahh....Oh, I'm a monkey!" (thank you New Star of Hong Kong)

aug 25 2013 ∞
oct 2 2013 +