• 12/31/13 Easy going New Year. My Dad's traditional Seafood Newburg Menorah Dinner. Ethan and I helped to make the Flaming Glurg. After words Ethan and I had a Star Trek marathon with the Babies. Could life get any better?...YUP, just got a call from Thomas.
  • 1/1/13 I caved. I played a few games of RISK with Bre, Arri and Ethan. And surprisingly, all is well. I must say this shows quite a maturity increase on my part. There wasn't a fist fight, Ethan and I are still dating and no one through the board in frustration.
  • 1/2/13 Getting Chris at "The Gateway to New England"..harhar...
  • 1/7/13 Chris flew Home today. He is such a fantastic, goofy Engineer. We had a terrific time. God has really blessed me with some amazing people.
  • 1/7/13 THOMAS IS 18. GAH!! He is soo BIG NOW! We went to a Hookah Bar! WHAT?! Great times chatting with Tom's Black Twin and made a new Friend.
  • 1/8/13 This entire week I have been struck by how incredibly blessing I am. Every time I walk into a grocery store or start my car. James 1:17
  • 1/9/13 Went bowling tonight with Bre and Inner Being. I bowled the worst game of my life EXCEPT on my very last tern, when you get three chances, on the first two chances I bowled a spare and on the last turn I did this silly dancing gig and got a STRIKE! I wasn't even TRYING! People in the other lanes were clapping! It was really fun. Then went back with Bre and had some delicious chocolate with Bob.
  • 1/10/13 Neighborhood cat came for a visit. It curled up sleeping and ultra snuggled me wile I spent the evening reading and listening to music.
  • 1/13/13 I spent the afternoon in the Wodsworth Antheneum Museum of Art in downtown Hartford. They dedicated a collection of works that best reflected an exserp of President Obama's speech after the Newtown Tragedy. One of the sculptures they picked was called "Sleeping Children" cared from white marble. It is two plumb, little boys peacefully sleeping cuddled together. It was so touching when paralleled with such horror. I was almost moved to tears. I still feel like I'm grieving for those children.

Then, I spent almost 2.5 hrs wandering through the exposition titled "Medieval to Monet". This exsposai offered a view of the historic changes in French culture between the 13th and 20th centuries. I love the French. Such great personality! Just so smooth! It's no wonder there is no word for "awkward" in French.

  • 1/14/13 I got aer-thang did.
  • 1/15/13 Went to see Les Miserables last night. The cinematography was wonderful. I really enjoyed the story and music. It had a redeeming theme: when you experiences love, you experience God.
  • 1/16/13 IMAGINATION!! It all started when I pretended I was James Bond and my new watch was a spy gadget used only for top secret missions. Now I pretend all THE TIME and it's just as satisfying as when I was a little girl. Except I get distracted sooner with adult things now a days.
  • 1/18/13 The only "out of body experience" I've ever had is watching someone else drive my car.
  • 1/19/13 I feel depression lingering on the outskirts of my aura.

de·press /diˈpres/ Verb: 1. Make (someone) feel utterly dispirited or dejected. 2. Reduce the level or strength of activity in something, esp. an economic or biological system. Synonyms: deject - lower - oppress

Katy Bug -> "We have this, this Rumble Synergy!"

  • 1/21/13 Good day. Centered and now I'm ready to ROCK.

Me:"Thomas, my apartment smells like Drano and bad eggs." Thomas: "You have the worst luck with smells."

  • 1/22/13 Do my actions define me?
  • 1/23/13 The High today was 16 degrees Fahrenheit...or was that the Low?
  • 1/24/13 Belay!
  • 1/25/13 Omfw, his name is fish.
  • 1/25/13 Cont: I've decided that I'm only going to think of the outside temp in Kelvin from now on. Fahrenheit just keeps making me...well cold and sad. So the high today is 264K! Yes!
  • 1/26/13 Sister weeekend!
  • 1/27/13 Farra sings the numbers as she counts out the spaces.

Li on Aquifer: worth for digging

  • 1/28/13 UConn is the irrational, high maintenance girl friend that I never wanted.
  • 1/29/13 Possession is nine-tenths of the law.
  • 1/30/13 I empower people because empowering others strengthens me. Is this selfish?
  • 1/31/13 Sometimes the Universe dictates to us that our soul mate can not be our lover.
jan 7 2013 ∞
feb 1 2013 +