• 11/1/12 I am sick! Bleh! Thankfully it is only a head cold. Got all the things I didn't think I was going to accomplish done -BEFORE 7:23! BO-YEAAH!
  • 11/2/12 TRCC Our Reach with Sean! It was fun to be on the podium side of the class room. Back to my house where Ethan and my Family were waiting. I really feel like I need some Home to get over this cold. Caught up with them and watched Star Wars Episode One. Ethan fits into my family so easy.

The high of my day -> Ethan: "Here you go, you can have the center of my Reese. I know how much you like that."

  • 11/3/12 Baby Shower for Heather! She is a beautiful pregnant woman! I am so excited for this baby! I usually don't like baby showers but this one was fun. I have never said placenta so much in my life. Scott also attended, I liked this. Deandra is very clever.
  • 11/4/12 I want a coat of many colors and the strengths of the man who first had one. Church with the family, Thomas, Pink Berry, hiking with the babies. Really can't go wrong. Went groceries shopping with Bre! I am so excited to make SOUP!
  • 11/5/12 Bre packed me a delicious lunch! Tacos with Christina Bean for dinner! Some times having a roommate is like owning a puppy - high maintenance and strangely emotional.
  • 11/6/12 Election day! Get out and Vote!
  • 11/6/12 Cont: Today I committed to my heavy winter coat. I even wore mittens. Too soon...BUT thank God for warm delicious veritable soup! In my crock pot! Yit Yit!! Still sick...

Me(trying to rush out the door.)"Babies! where is my gloves?"(the babies are in bed) Babies: No response. "Babies! I need them, it is cold out!" Babies: No response. "HEY! I found the Teddy Grams! What are they doing in here...I'm taking the Teddy Grams hostage till you find my gloves!" Babies: "NOoo, don't we love those!!" Me: (leaving their room) "Nope I'm taking them to class with me. I don't need the gloves!" Babies: "Wait! Waaaaa!" Mom(from her room): "Babies, I can buy more, Celicia, good enjoy and don't be late!"

  • 11/7/12 SNOW! Lots and lots of SNOW! I was so surprised they said only a dusting and maybe just rain! Classes were cancelled but the TA still held the review session. I have to say we have a devoted class to walk across campus during a blizzard in the name of review! My friend Alex, from Costa Rica, stayed over. She doesn't like driving in the snow and she has an hour commute. MORE SOUP & TEA!
  • 11/7/12 Cont: Obama got reelected. He won by only 10% of the popular vote. "Democracy is nothing more than mob rule, where 51% of the people may take away the rights of the other 49%."
  • 11/8/12 Had two close encounters with a Raven. Note to Self: Moccasins are a bad idea in the wet. SO MUCH SNOW!
  • 11/9/12 Alex:" We are going to party on the beach and then go party in the Rain Forest!" Babka with ma Jew friends!
  • 11/10/12 Tea, babka for breakfast & books in bed with bestfriend. Couldn't ask for a more relaxing day.
  • 11/12/12 Oliva and Arri shadowed me at school today. It was wonderful having them around. Thanks to my H20 Qt MGMT class they now know all the best BMPs for stormwater at UConn. (They basically got a tour of all the drainage ditches... hahaha Gee, thanks Dad.)
  • 11/12/12 Cont: At first my professor was enthusiastic...now he is vexatious.
  • 11/13/12 A day can never be a "good day" when you are reduced to tears in a professors office. I stomped through EVERY puddle and mud flat on my way back to the car (On purpose of course! I had my great, big Hunter books on!).
  • 11/13/12 Cont: Sweet Harvest Pumpkin, this shit is off the hook!
  • 11/13/12 Cont: I renounce my previous sentiments. A day can be a "good day", even if you are reduced to tears in a professors office, if and only if, one's older Sistah, boyfriend and a Parallel Universe come over for soup, ice cream, interesting fruit and general merriment while "working" on fluids homework. (The verb "working" here means "entertaining conversation" and only generally alludes to the actual doing of work. Perhaps a better meaning of the word "work", discussed in this context, would be "eating lots of soup wile having great conversation" and "eating ice cream and drinking tea wile having and enjoying each companions company" or, more accurate still, "laughing".)
  • 11/14/12 I get so much free stuff at UConn. I even got FREE VICTORIA'S SECRET PANTIES today! FTW or WTF? Today its ok to be dyslexic.

Your Mom'sah pseudo-randome binary sequencer.

  • 11/15/12 Some Thursday mornings you wake up and say to yourself,"This week was rough but I can get through it. If I can just get through today, tomorrow will be great!" and then your computer crashes along with the lengthy, written, take-home exam that you just finished and that is due in 2 hours.
  • 11/16/12 BOSTON! I love the feeling of Boston so much more the NYC. One of my favorite college towns. Keznie did an outstanding job on her Thesis and Presentation. I am so proud of her! My Dad and Uncle Loring are just the best. I throw them in situations and they adapt with such poise and confidence. Harvard Museum of Natural History! Home to Ashford for hot tea and soup with goldfish.
  • 11/16/12 Cont: A side story, my Dad lost his coat off the top of his car. He was looking at the stars after he dropped us off. See! This is where I get it from!
  • 11/19/12 My Uncle shows his love by checking the fluids in my car.
  • 11/20/12 Ridiculously Productive Thomas Tuesday! Baileys Chocolate Truffles, mmmmwaahhahahah!
  • 11/22/12 Thanksgiving! I am thankful that God has given me a clear understanding of why I am "stuck" in CT. There was so much goodness today I don't think I can report it all.
  • 11/23/12 Up Early and met up with the Fam at Moody's. Between the fog and the drowsiness it was like I was in a dream wile driving up to Maine. My family is so blessed.
  • 11/23/12 Cont: Vinalhaven, this is Maine. Rocky Shores, Lobster man, refreshing air, roaring fire place, poor-to-no cell phone reception, peaceful pines and a Bald Eagle sighting, it didn't cross our path though. Uncle Ed has the best stories and life lessons.
  • 11/24/12 My Dad made us all go out and see Serious the Dog Star from the back poarch before bed. (It is the brightest star in the sky, anything else is a planet.) Chilly but TOTALLY worth it. So much warmth, love and life radiate from my Mom <3 LoveLoveLove.
  • 11/25/12 Note to Self: Brewery, Vinalhaven, Dave
  • 11/26/12 The Christmas lights are out! It's the beginning of the end.(Ethan:"OR the end of the beginning.")

Ethan:"Celicia, it's 1:00 on a Monday afternoon." Me:"Ethan, who are we?"

College Dinner: Uncle Ben's 90 sec Rice Pilaf with avocado slices and olive oil.

Thomas:"There was ICE in MY DRIVE WAY! I didn't wear my coat because Celicia just said it was BRISK!!"

  • 11/26/12 Cont: "sometimes i get the feeling i can do crystal meth, then i think 'MMM better not' " The Best is late night walks and talks with Thomas.
  • 11/27/12 SNOW! puts me in the best mood. It makes the day better! Ran "The Experiment", as Johnney calls it, despite the snow. I love my JOB!

Me:"Seriously, you can't find anything in that garage without being in a sincere meditative, prayerful state!"

  • 11/28/12 FUCKING immunization records!!
  • 11/29/12 Travel light, live light, spread the light, be the light. -Tea Paper

I over heard a funny conversation from one student to another in my Envie Policy class. It made me smile. "You know how hell is designed for different people? When my hell is listening to her drone on and on! And right as I am about to fall asleep she says, 'I have another hand out!'."

  • 11/29/12 Cont: Technology - creepy yet convenient!
nov 1 2012 ∞
dec 3 2012 +