• 10/1/12 Woke up exhausted, left late for school, missed the bus, had to walk and was late to class, forgot a writing implement, awkwardly borrowed a dull pencil, scratched out notes, forgot lunch and didn't get to see Ethan, got yet another parking ticket, Group 13 is lazy and they give me anxiety, forgot fins, lost gym key, smashed my head on the sharp edge of the hand dryer wile looking for the lost gym key, gym pool was in use so couldn't swim anyway...
  • 10/2/12 First day at the USGS as a private contractor. Tested some Guralp<3 cables. Rain, Rain, Rain. Ethan & I got burritos for dinner and then I took him home.
  • 10/3/12 Went to dinner @ Bre's apartment! Then Dave/Bre & Me/Ethan went bowling. Found some AWESOME vintage postcards 10 for $1 at Ocean State Job Lot. Listened to the Obama Romney presidential debate wile doing the dishes and putting groceries away. I wrote a check the other day too...who am I?...like a real adult....

Some subjects for conversation @ Bre's included: Misophonia, literally “hatred of sound,” is a form of decreased sound tolerance. 

Me: "He shaved his beard and renounced Judaism!" Bre: "DAD?! What?!"

Bre putting Chemistry Cat in her formal presentation...as I also did. Bre:"Celicia, we are living parallel lives."

  • 10/4/12 McKenzie and I bonded over toothpaste pet peeves. Made my first crock-pot meal! Brought it to Christina! Bean for dinner. We spent the evening playing Cribbage, watching clever, mystery shows and listening to French accordion music. I am so blessed by the generosity of other! Love you Casia!
  • 10/5/12 Long but wonderful day! My last class was H20 Quality MGMT. We are working through the Biology section and we met for a Biology lab. Which is, of course!, my favorite! We mainly used the microscope to identify phytoplankton and zooplankton. Which is my GAME! A lot of students weren't comfortable with microscopes so it was fun to help people get used to them. Identified Spirogyra, a few rotifers and diatoms. Hit up the Dairy Bar before driving to the 7:00 ferry to Orient Point with Ethan. This was to surprise Mrs.Reith for her Birthday this weekend. She was so happy to see us! We brought her flowers and Ethan picked out a wonderful gift.
  • 10/6/12 Woke up late on Long Island! Decorated for the Harvest season. Ethan bought me a gorgeous, green gored! I want to tern it into a musical instrument! Made two homemade pies! They are beautiful. I am very proud of them. I think I will use one for my Dad's birthday this week.
  • 10/7/12 Unfortunatly, missed church. Took a noon ferry and from New London drove strait to Windsor for a UMW Tea. My sister, both Grandmas, Grampa, and Uncle Mike came. Afterwords went to see Henry La! at McKenzie's. Told riddles ate pizza. All around a good time.
  • 10/8/12 The first cold day. Went to Buell's Orchard! Picked apples! Inner Being and Monkey Man also came. It was good to see them! Had the fam over for a spaghetti dinner afterwords. Can't wait to eat my caramel apple!
  • 10/9/12 Dad's 51st Birthday! Had a big dinner at Grandma's and played Gestures. Woke up a few times during the night calling out for Ethan.
  • 10/10/12 "Don't burst a circuit with excitement over this next equation." -Prof Gordon(Fluid Mechanics)
  • 10/11/12 Instead of typing into Google microorganism, I typed microoragmi...incredible really. Fantastic brunch with Mark! He is the man! Literally, every time that I have a meeting with him I leave feeling inspired about the possibilities.

(around 1:30 AM) Henry La!:"Celicia, you are so excited...and Happy." Me:"I know, I'm sorry, it's kind of a problem." Henry La!:"I love this problem."

  • 10/11/12 Cont: Being friends with McKenzie means that you do a lot of really interesting, really spontaneous, awesome stuff. She is a intern for the Chris Murphy Campaign and casually asked me to come to a rally after class at UConn. It turned out to be the CT Senate Debate. She got me both free pizza and a ticket.
  • 10/12/12 Herny La! Left really early in the morning. Around 2:00. It is so sad to see him go. Had our first pot-luck at the apartment to see him off. Sooo much food left over...nommnommnom.
  • 10/13/12 I am poor at planning.
  • 10/14/12 Used Bre's as a United Command Center. Ate a lot of chocolate covered fruit (Inner Being hooked me up). Went for a wonderful hike with Ethan at Old Furnace State Park. It is so nice to have such an adventurous boyfriend. I really miss Thomas...!! Note to Self: please perches Witch Hazel off Amazon. OMW! Found all of the items on my Wish List(Things I Lost and Wish I Had) list! #powerofprayer
  • 10/15/12 Me:"Test, nap, delicious Indian food. In that order." Michelle: "Wow."

Michelle: "I got bug guts on my scud!"

Ethan:"Hey! How'd the test go? Ohh, ok. Taking of your shirt off immediately once you get in the car, great."

  • 10/16/12 I'm an adult now so I can eat dinner in my bed whenever I want. I can even eat ice cream in my bed..FOR BREAKFAST! BOO-YA!!
  • 10/17/12 So much goodness today! I can't even begin to articulate properly...
  • 10/18/12 Had a wonderful morning getting ready for the day with Kenzie. Me(to Kenzie): "If you have 3 sweaters and I have 3 sweaters, if we put them- Together: "Together! We have 6 SWEATERS!" Went on a tour with Bre and her boss of the Material Science Labs at UConn. Her company is going to have samples tested there. As my Dad says: "Oh,Bre is great. Isn't she?"
  • 10/19/12 Lots of rain! Lunch with Brad and Dana. Baby sleep over with the Babies at Grandmas!

Me:"Brad, we literally share brain cells. We think so much alike!" Brad:"Just a few cell? I'm not really looking for prime real estate here, like the stem but at least a little more then a few cells. May be just like the Frontal Lobe or something? But more then a few cells"

Dana:"He wants to be doctor." Brad:"Oh yeah, that's hot.

  • 10/20/12 Engineered a boat out of recyclables with Deandra. She is very intelligent. Went to Weekapaug. Grandma's favorite beach. The wind was so strong the waves were incredible! The sand and sun were warm but the spray off the crashing waves was chilly. Flew kites and watched a man para-boarding. He got intense air off the large waves and swells. My favorite part of the day was watching Farra dance and (s)twirl with the waves on the shore. Together we tried and failed many times to build a sand castle.
  • 10/21/12 Easy going Sunday. Church with the fam. Mom did a overwhelmingly good job organizing the rummage sale. After church and Maria's went to Day Pond. Nessy has been toting around a little, white bear named Snow Flake. I've noticed a few adults, through out the day, addressing Enessa about the bear, asking questions. Just interesting interactions. Enessa is naturally sweet and kindly answered each one.

Your love for me is like the feeling of warm sunshine on my face on a brisk, Autumn afternoon. Gentle Kisses.

  • 10/22/12 My WATCH is died! This is my worst nightmare. I have been paranoid and it has finally happened. Today I found the little stones and pits of sea glass and shell that Farra had been sneaking into my coat pockets wile I wasn't looking yesterday. This discovery made my day. Watched a praying mantis land in the grass and continued to be reminded of it through out the rest of the evening.

Me:"I can't wait till I can have my own bees and maybe some goats." Michelle:"What? NO WAY?! I tell Greg the SAME thing ALL the time!" A few minuets later:"Wait, in what building does your Dad work?" Me:"Michelle, this is incredible, finally our universes are coming together! And I here thought it was funny that we were both dating Electrical Engineers! Hahaha!"

  • 10/23/12 Today I remembered the difference between the single, double and triple crochet wile watching Nature: Catching a Glimpse of the Siberian Tiger. I'm feeling a little complacent.
  • 10/24/12 Constipated. YUM YUM Peach White Honest Tea!

Bre(via txt):"I didn't even want to reschedule!...It's Bowling Wednesday. It's like Taco Tuesday! You don't reschedule Taco TUESDAY by virtue of its very nature!!!!!"

  • 10/25/12 Drank hard apple cider, wile eating veggie pizza, for dinner in my bad with Ethan. Good day. Looking forward and enjoying every moment.

"...and I'm thinking to my self, 'You love her! Look into her eyes!'."

  • 10/26/12 She do anything for every-ah-thing. -Wale

Ethan(takes a deep breath and puts his arm around me): "Today is going to be a great day."

"Knowledge is knowing a tomato is a fruit; wisdom is not putting it in a fruit salad." -Peter Kaye

  • 10/27/12 Fall Things and Sister Weekend! High:Best Jock-O-Lantern I have ever made in my entire life & napping with my sisters often. Low: Missing the historical graveyard tour.
  • 10/28/12 RAWR! Bah! Ugh! or in other words, shit.
  • 10/29/12 It's rain, it's wind...wait! It's SANDY!
  • 10/30/12 This fluids test is hanging over my head like a dead goose.
  • 10/31/12 Good day! Especially when compared to the first day of this month. Two professors highly complimented me. I don't really feel worthy of their praise. I'm not particularly smart - I just work really hard. My tough is fuzzy. I think I'm getting sick!! I've never sneezed so much in one day!
oct 1 2012 ∞
nov 1 2012 +