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[ Pretty much all you need to do for this is write 5 things, these can be peoples names, places, emotions, a film title, song title, band, anything that sums up your day, do it each day on your listography for a year, copy and paste this at the top of the list so people know what this list is all about. My Start Date: 05/17/2016 ]

      • May
  • 05-17-2016 ▸ cancelled job fair | lra friends | ethel and ana| malling | filled with laughter
  • 05-18-2016 ▸ added more workmates from lra on fb | watched the recent episode of Awkward, my heart hurts and I want MattyxJenna back, I love Luke too tho | finishing Rebel Spring | can't get rid of this bad habit | i still hate myself
  • 05-19-2016 ▸ mr pizza with mother and sister | teo visited the house with yellow cab pizza | finished rebel spring | watched clips of ♥ prince of tennis ♥ | finally i have a paperback of retribution of mara dyer yay!
  • 05-20-2016 ▸ clearance at lra | did not attend the victory party :-( | no electricity for six hours | lingered on jobstreet | working with my poor communication skills
  • 05-21-2016 ▸ yay for that high five | hoping for them to call me sooner | woah there mister that was a brave move | did nothing for today rly | pierce the veil's misadventures
  • 05-22-2016 ▸ watched japanese movies | did not go to church | i love nana komatsu | started everything i never told you | forget me not
  • 05-23-2016 ▸ someone called for a reference check and we were communicating in english | i had to pause because i had to think for a right english word to use | i am so ashamed recalling it | i did nothing inside the house | hodor died my heart hurts i hate my life i should embrace it
  • 05-24-2016 ▸ tita promised a laptop on her visit here on sept | divi with sister | money bye bye | that nuisance from team b on our group chat | heroine shikkaku omggggg
  • 05-25-2016 ▸ brgy clearance | is it really a go on this job | no hardback i crie | tear in my heart | almost bought a trilogy, almost
  • 05-26-2016 ▸ nbi and police clearance | swimming with lra friends | sir alex | anna | til the next bonding
  • 05-27-2016 ▸ kuya mcdo hearteu | pen | requirements for werq | still no hardback | friends season 1 re-marathon
  • 05-28-2016 ▸ slept all day | unproductive much | an unforgettable day | send my love to your new lover | mmk huhu
  • 05-30-2016 ▸ monday hate | supposed to pass my requirements | slept all day | game of thrones episode 6 woo | new kdrama to watch: another hae young
  • 05-31-2016 ▸ medical exam | this is it | pls don't judge me | goodbye may | eric mun
      • June
  • 06-01-2016 ▸ june yay! | catch up to the recent ep of another oh hae young | ❤ eric mun ❤ | why did ya | flustered
  • 06-02-2016 ▸ officially employed | idc if it's too low in their eyes | i am desperate and i'm drastically lacking financially | hate myself | matty healy
  • 06-03-2016 ▸ finished beautiful gong shim | miss ko na tropa ko | here comes my love for kdrama soundtracks again | kdramaluvs | fridaynotyay
  • 06-06-2016 ▸ first day at werq | omg what am i gonna do | nine hours in there | my adjustment period would be quite long | i hope not
  • 06-11-2016 ▸ applied for plan | flowers for sam | chicken yum | sam's birthday YAY | sober me hihi
  • 06-12-2016 ▸ from Sam's | Sunday another day | hipon yum | catch-up gong shim | 7 years
  • 06-13-2016 ▸ monday again | work again | eyebags are worse than ever | new logo of our company | waiting impatiently for my new phone
  • 06-14-2016 ▸ werq again | nothing really happened | still don't have my own email | started watching this time | a lot of movies at my pc in the ofc
  • 06-15-2016 ▸ iom hsa nd list | feels like im an intern | payday yay | compensated only 5 days of my stay lol | still no approval on the plan hayz
  • 06-16-2016 ▸ werq | lunch @ megamall | bought a handy fan | went home | sleep
  • 06-17-2016 ▸ friday yay | it was so had to swallow the food | lunch @ rob forum | pakain @ office | dont want to go home alon
  • 06-18-2016 ▸ date with ana @ moa | watched the conjuring 2 | my eardrums were nearly ruined due to ana's screams lol | she had me laughing @ a horror movie | got my phone yay!
  • 06-19-2016 ▸ teo visited | pizza again | tomorrow's my sister's bday | father's day | sadnu
  • 06-20-2016 ▸ so early @ werq | exorcists book | two new employees | slightly fine | chillll
  • 06-24-2016 ▸ boss was not in the mood | email hassle| lunch @ bci | starbucks with dine and ms shy | chikaness to the highest level
      • July
  • 07-05-2016 ▸ mentore got confused and committed a minor mistake | has email already | feels like shit | not likable enough i think | im so ugly
  • 07-11-2016 ▸ gave my number to a stranger | what did just do was that really me ughhh im freaking myself out | aaf forevs | still has a crush on sensei/senpai | uggghhhhh what have i done
  • 07-15-2016 ▸ july celebrants @ office | "bye lily" | still crushin' on senpai | fullybooked with sweet ate camy and sis ♥ | selection series & the bell jar
      • October
  • 10-19-2016 ▸ so i totally abandoned my listography the past few months | it is not cool | i couldn't access it through my phone | now we have a new laptop and i'm loving it | yet still i'm still upset in life as a whole
  • 10-20-2016 ▸ should i still continue this thing? i dont want anymore bye
may 17 2016 ∞
mar 18 2017 +