- 335 zł - ticket
- 10 zł - bus
- idk what with accomodation but for now let's say we'd stay at aunt Aissa's
- i'd stay there for 4 days so counting like 25 zł for food per day would give smth around 100 zł (?? omg so much money)
- we would travel around Warsaw quite a lot so for commuting it'd be approx. 30 zł if we bought the 24 h tickets
- entrance to museums etc :
- Muzeum Neonów - 8 zł
- Muzeum Pawiak - 5 zł
- Muzeum Powstania Warszawskiego - 14 zł
- Muzeum PRL - 5 zł
- Muzeum Chopina - 13 zł
- Muzeum Sztuki Współczesnej - 1zł ( i think so, otherwise it's 6 zł?)
- Cafees to visit (http://restaurantica.pl):
- Moja Cafe
- Kubek w Kubek
- Kafka Cafe
- Wrzenie Swiata
- Coffee Karma
- etc
estimated price : 521 zł (nope, ill have to reduce some things)
sep 18 2015 ∞
jul 9 2017 +