
  • im a weeb that use capslock and keysmash alot
  • i love you a lot and i wanna be your friends
  • its a hard time out there so i will always try to keep up with a positive and loving attitude because i know what it's like to be in a dark place
  • no hate in my lobby, unless your ideal threatened my rights to exist then get ready to be sucker punched.
  • also no pedophilia/homophobia/racism/sexism/ableism/transphobia/incest/rape/abuse in my lobby.
  • dont @ me with hate/discrimination/making fun of/sexualized hermaphodite/intersex people.

Fandom stuff

  • i have favs and i will gush about my fav. if that bother you then feel free to mute/sb/unf/block i dont mind!!
  • i can differentiate fiction and real life so you can expect me being pretty chill.
  • dont @ me with fandom wars im too old for that
  • no hate on any ships. Of course i have NOTPs but i respect yall either way, just dont attack me if i said i dont ship your ship. Dont be petty to a bear.
  • this is the all-ship-friendly zone, but I'd really appreciate if you could keep these away from me, or limit these contents:
    • childhood bully. i have major personal encounters with it and would not like to have a bad time.
    • domestic abuse/ abusive behaviors in relationships.
    • over-sexualize minors.
    • rape/non-con/dub-con
    • gore/violence/mutilation
    • irl ships that's borderline intruding/obsessive to others' personal lives.


  • yeah i have to write this down bc of reasons
  • yall free to discuss nsfw things w me! if there's something i don't agree on i'll be quiet and change subjects
  • uh... the general rule? tag ur NSFW content. I'll do the same yo
  • if i see genital mutilations i will have to mute/block you.
mar 7 2017 ∞
mar 7 2017 +