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27. Hufflepuff with Slytherin tendencies. Starfleet Cadet. Jaeger Pilot. Recon Corps. Browncoat. House Stark. bookworm. comicphile. music, film, & television addict. socially awkward fangirl extraordinaire.

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  • My wand
    • Willow, with either Dragon heartstring or Unicorn tail, I can't decide. Not that I'd exactly get to decide anyway, but you know. Just sayin'.
    • ~But Pottermore gave me this wand:
      • Length: 10 3/4 in
      • Wood: Cypress
      • Core: Phoenix Feather
      • Flexibility: Surprisingly swishy
  • Patronus:
    • Definitely a fox
  • House:
    • I honestly think it would be Gryffindor. This is going to sound really lame, but every single time I've taken a sorting quiz online, even the ones that aren't ridiculously obvious, my result has been Gryffindor. Plus, I just am not smart or academically inclined enough for Ravenclaw, and I just don't think I'd fit in with the Slytherins. Though, maybe I'd be Hufflepuff since I'm good at finding things LOL.
    • ~And according to Pottermore, I am a Hufflepuff. And I am perfectly okay with this.
  • Favorite classes:
    • Transfiguration and Charms. I also always wondered if there were any kind of art classes offered. I'd definitely take them.
  • Quidditch position:
    • Heh, I probably wouldn't play. So not coordinated enough.
  • Pet:
    • Either an owl or a cat, but probably an owl. They're so beautiful and also extremely useful.
    • ~I chose a barn owl on Pottermore
  • Animagus:
    • Same as my Patronus, a fox. Oh, or maybe an otter.
  • Amortentia:
    • Soap, fresh laundry, citrus, vanilla
  • Boggart:
    • Well, I'm honestly the most scared of mirrors in dark rooms, so... Would it turn into a mirror and make the room all dark and make me see something scary in the mirror? LOL my fear is all complicated. Maybe it would just explode without me having to cast Riddikulus at it.
  • Profession after school:
    • I would love to be a wand maker.
jan 9 2011 ∞
oct 21 2011 +