My mum

  • She is the single most amazing woman that I know, and never fails to be there for me. Not only was she a single parent but she's taught me to always be proud of who I am and what I've achieved, no matter how insignificant something may seem.

My body

  • I've got a body which is one many people would kill for, yet all I can do I is see the "imperfections". I can't believe how ungrateful I am sometimes.

My lifestyle

  • I'm not claiming that I come from an upper class family in the slightest but we've never been "hard of money", at least not to the point of having to majorly change the way that we live. If I want something, it doesn't take much to get it whether it be through getting work to pay for it or asking for it.
aug 3 2011 ∞
aug 3 2011 +