
  • bigots; & passive aggressive, discourse-heavy, like making others uncomfortable, any form of systematic hate
    • Anyone can 'pick a side' on something, but if you are violent or hateful about it then you're probably just an asshole tbf regardless of whether you're right
  • "proship" anti/pro discourse, ddlg, predatory/criminal paraphilia, edtwt/shtwt
    • I'm not equipped to handle people who have this. I definitely don't want to interact with people who promote/glorify it.
  • anti-selfdx, syscourse
    • It's weird to gatekeep that kind of thing. It's a very personal, subjective experience that should be allowed to be expressed for accessibility.
may 25 2023 ∞
may 25 2023 +

stuff I know a little about & also personally experience, and are constantly researching / gaining better understanding of:

  • C-PTSD
  • childhood Neglect & Verbal/physical abuse
  • Dissociation, DID, OSDD, Depersonalization
  • Avoidant attachment & Anxious attachment
  • BPD (mostly 'quiet' type; I am a quiet/remission type)
  • General Anxiety Disorder, and Social Anxiety
  • Agoraphobia, and Scopophobia, etc. (albeit I have a mild case)
  • Autism
  • ADHD
  • OCD (depends)

stuff I do not know much about / may not be able to discuss

sep 28 2023 ∞
sep 28 2023 +