- Ilikethesmellofbooks.
- elephant earrings.
- collecting club and society pins for graduation.
- lists.
- photographs.
- polaroid cameras.
- old people.
- friend crushes.
- jigsaw puzzles.
- rain.
- drinking the rain.
- jaywalking.
- panoramas.
- homemade ice cream.
- museums.
- pierogies.
- time.
- purple pens.
- spinning in circles until your fingers get all tingly.
- sitting in the bathtub just so your toes get wrinkly.
- obligatory event pictures.
- naps.
- checking things off my to-do list.
- checking things off my bucket list.
- accomplishing these things before I cross them off.
- mix CDs.
- the aftertaste of bread and butter.
- jaywalking.
- belting Queen out the window.
- when Bowie comes on the radio.
- temporary tattoos.
- chocolate fountains.
- serendipity.
- doodles on school notes.
- Katherine Hepburn.
- used books.
- Bradbury.
- random capitilization Especially Non-important Phrases.
- Non-important Phrases.
- chipped toenail polish.
- Grammar Girl.
- open windows.
- wind.
- chandelier lamps.
- mister pookie.
- pajama pants.
- sleep.
- that stratus cloud between unconsciousness and consciousness.
- ;
may 9 2009 ∞
may 9 2009 +