- August 24 - Felt anxious about work. Big boss sent me a protocol at 10am and I haven't seen it until it was 15pm. Also not sure about if I'm doing enough for the company. Maybe they fire me.
- Feeling: without strenght to do anything else, wanna lay down and cry
- August 25 - Felt anxious about work. Big boss saw me making a mistake on spreadsheets - at least he thinks it was just on spreadsheets. Got super anxious. Cried. Thought about quitting. Thought about how it's gonna be hard to find I new job next year.
- September 04 - Felt really really really anxious about work. Forgot to send some student applications and received an e-mail saying that there was no more spots at some districts
aug 24 2020 ∞
sep 9 2020 +