my mental health is Real Shit let me tell you that

i am diagnosed with...

• with the Horrid anxiety!! it's 2x (bordering 3x) worse than the average person with anxiety. because of this, it's Very important that you don't make fun of me if i don't know you that well. and if you do make fun of me, for the love of god, Tag It. and if you do, Please don't keep doing it for a long while. it makes me feel like you hate me.

• ADHD!!! it really fx me!!!!!! i'm super bad at remembering names, i'll completely forget what i said sometimes, i won't understand jokes, & i'll go completely blank when it comes to certain topics. I'm die

• this isn't something im diagnosed with but more like a heads up . so like i go manic every once in a while so if u see me talking about how amazing i am or how handsome i am u kno what happened

i think i have...

• you've heard of regular depression.... now get ready for ................ Manic Depression

• UMMM!! i know i'm Very mentally ill (been hospitalized Three (3) Whole Times involuntarily & ive done Bad Bad Things that im Very ashamed of) . but like diagnosing yourself is hard but like i probably have borderline personality disorder or dependant personality disorder

• STPD (schizotypal personality disorder) i experience really bad anxiety, my speech patterns are Really AssBackwards, and i experience hallucinations/delusions.

i do A LOT of research when i go through these things!!!! i watch documentaries, ask medical officials, ect. basically do a lot of shit concerning myself.

i have SO MUCH wrong with me physically (anemia, arthritis, cardiac issues, torn retina, ect..) so id rather not list All of them but Im Fucked

jul 29 2016 ∞
jan 17 2017 +