• Please try to not to make joking or teasing comments on my art if I did not upload a piece that's meant to be funny, especially if we don't follow each other.
  • Try to refrain from QRTing my art on Twitter as well, unless you're adding trigger tags that I did not add to the original post. If you want to comment on my art, please go into the replies, and if I have replies limited, retweet and then make your own post.
  • My interests tend to rotate around a bit. If you only followed me for That One Thing and you're not interested in what I happen to be posting about at the moment, you're welcome to unfollow me. I won't take any personal offense to it!
  • I forget things a lot. Reminders are always appreciated. If I'm ever wrong about something, I don't mind being corrected.
  • Please try not to rush me, unless I've specifically asked for repeat reminders on something! This overwhelms me more than it helps me, if it's done unprompted.
  • I have anon asks turned off and DMs limited on Tumblr because of anxiety. This does not mean you aren't allowed to interact with me and send me asks! I appreciate pretty much anything I'm sent as long as you're nice.
  • I also tend to limit replies to my posts on Twitter to mutuals only because of anxiety and fear of getting spammed. Once again, this doesn't mean you're not allowed to interact!
jan 24 2022 ∞
may 11 2022 +